BEST SELLER - Hard Truths about Soft Skills – Understanding Why Young Entry Level Workers Struggle in the Workplace
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Alfred Poor, PhD works with colleges, companies, and families that want to support young adults in making the transition from student to the employee so that they can successfully hit the ground running in that first job after graduation, find personal fulfillment, and become a productive contributor to their employer. A graduate of Harvard College, he is a full-time professional speaker and writer with an international reputation. He is the author or co-author of more than a dozen books, including “7 Success Secrets That Every College Student Needs to Know!”

Managers across the country have been frustrated by the lack of preparation, poor performance, and the high turnover rate among young entry-level workers. Some studies report that it costs companies an average of $25,000 to replace an entry-level worker. If you can keep just one employee one more year on the job, it can impact your bottom line.

Alfred Poor will help you understand the many reasons behind the attitudes, behaviours, and lack of fundamental skills on the part of many entry-level workers. Only by understanding the root causes can you develop effective strategies to improve engagement and retention without having to disrupt existing corporate culture or structure.

You have probably heard a manager complain, “The person I interviewed is not the person who showed up for work!” This is especially true for young, entry-level workers. Too often, they are unprepared, have poor work attitudes, and are quick to leave a job that they don’t like. The fact is that this is expensive for their employers. According to some studies, it costs an average of $25,000 in total costs to replace an entry-level worker. In the past, the average tenure for such a worker was 5 years. Amortize that replacement cost, and you get $5,000 per entry level worker per year. Today, however, the average tenure for an entry-level worker is less than 2 years. The amortized replacement cost soars to $12,500 per entry level worker per year!

If you can get entry-level workers to stay an average of just one more year, you would save more than $4,000 per worker per year. That is money that could be better spent on higher wages, more training, or more jobs. Instead, we just light a match to it and let it burn to ashes.

This is why engagement and retention of entry-level workers are so important for employers of all companies, big and small. Solving the problem has a big impact on bottom lines, as well as on the more intangible factors of workplace dynamics and productivity.

Learning Objective

  • The impact of digital communications on today’s young workers
  • The significance of “helicopter parents” in the lives of their children
  • The effects of our consumer society on our young people
  • Why high school and college graduates don’t have the “soft skills” needed for success
  • How to address these issues to improve engagement and retention
  • How to deal with these problems without trying to appease young workers

Who Should Attend

C-level executives and business owners, HR and training officers, managers and project leaders at all levels; anyone responsible for hiring or managing young entry-level workers.

  • $150.00

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