BEST SELLER - Business Writing for Results
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Audrey Halpern is a soft skills training facilitator consultant with 20+ years of experience. She has a background in human resources, as well as in instructional design. She has a proven track record of achieving positive results within a variety of sectors and industries including city, state and federal government, non-profit, technology, legal, marketing retail, manufacturing, healthcare and pharmaceutical. Audrey’s is currently a  faculty member of the American Management Association where she trains communication skills.

Communicating through email is fast and convenient and there are rules and etiquette that should need to be followed otherwise it may give a bad impression about the sender to the recipient. After completing this course, you will have learned: how to manage emails, the principles or 'rules of thumb' to ensure professional, clear & effective emails.

The way you write and respond to emails and other documentation reveals much about your credibility and professionalism. It can make a difference between someone understanding your point of view, and agree with you, or not. It can also make the difference between someone interpreting your message the way you intended, and completely misunderstanding you. Enhancing your credibility through written communication requires developing a reader-centred style that compels the reader to take action, whether it is through email or written proposals.

Business Writing for Results helps to learn how to confidently communicate via writing, to successfully achieve your goals.

Learning Objectives

1. Email

  • Email etiquette

2. Writing E-mails

  • Addressing Your Message
  • Grammar and Acronyms
  • Use of attachments
  • When to use CC/BCC/Forward/Reply to all/Urgent
  • Subject Line
  • Salutation
  • Body
  • Closing Signatures

3. Working with Words

  • Common Spelling Mistakes jargon, grammar and punctuation

4. Clarity in Your Writing Style- Concise
5. Organization Methods

  • Use paragraphs to organize information.

Who Should Attend

This webinar is designed for professionals at all levels who wish to obtain better results from their written business communication.

Why Should Attend

  • Communicate in a clear and concise fashion
  • Utilize proven techniques to structure your thoughts
  • Deal more effectively with email messages
  • Learn efficient proofreading techniques
  • Gain confidence in your writing style
  • $150.00

Recorded / Download Access

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