Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills for Business Challenges
  • CODE : AUDR-0074
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Audrey Halpern is a soft skills training facilitator consultant with 20+ years of experience. She has a background in human resources, as well as in instructional design. Audrey’s is currently a  faculty member of American Management Association where she trains communication skills.

Every day at work, leaders are faced with many issues when making decisions. Some of our problems are big and complicated, while others may be more easily solved. There is no shortage of challenges and issues that can arise on the job. Critical thinking and problem-solving are two essential skills that leaders need to have. Critical thinking refers to the ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to effectively solve problems. This doesn’t mean you need to have an immediate answer, it means you have to be able to think on your feet, assess problems, and find solutions. By learning how to strengthen your decision-making skills by breaking old habits, you will gain confidence and respect.

Learning Objectives

Many books have been written about problem solving and solving problems is no easy way, no shortcut to becoming a first-rate problem solver.

This webinar gives you the tools to be able to identify your decision-making style, and learn to make better decisions through questioning, challenging assumptions and seeing other’s viewpoints as well as some tips and techniques for developing skills as a critical thinker and problem solver and recognize and leverage your thinking preferences, as well as those on your team, to find different solutions to everyday problems.

  • Identify and recognize your decision-making style and understand its effect on your decisions
  • Characteristics of effective problem solvers
  • Develop a problem-solving mindset
  • Apply new skills for breaking down complex problems
  • Develop rational decision-making skills through fundamental analytical skills
  • Use questioning techniques to gather relevant information
  • Learn the correct way to brainstorm
  • Learn to challenge assumptions
  • Understand critical thinking and how to apply it at work

Who Should Attend

Employees in leadership positions who want to be better focused on facing and solving problems at work.

Topic Background

Even if you do not yet have management experience, you probably have made decisions in a professional setting. But because decision-making is not always a cut-and-dried process, you might not recognize what you were doing. There is no perfect way to approach decision making your style may change according to the decision that needs to be made or how you are feeling on a particular day. The important thing is to be aware of your preferred style and how this might affect the decisions you make. This course provides you with skills to help you to gain confidence in your decision-making.

  • $200.00

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