Blockchain Demystifed - What It Really Is, What It Can Do, and How It May Impact the Business World
  • CODE : RIDE-0004
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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The R Shawn McBride is a corporate lawyer licensed in 12 states and Washington, DC and is a CPA licensed in 3 states. He heads The R. Shawn McBride Law Firm, PLLC, a corporate law boutique and McBride For Business, LCC a business strategy firm where he is often called upon to speak or consult on the future of business. He is the author of Business Blunders which showcases common business mistakes to avoid and three other books.

He is also the host of The Future Done Right™ Show on YouTube where he interviews guests from around the work on the dynamics of the future of business and the changes business owners might anticipate. His passion is helping business owners build and execute business plans that enable them to live the lives of their dreams. He believes the key to successful business plans - and lives - is embracing strengths and uniqueness.

His extensive experience in the sales arena comes from running his multiple businesses and being called upon repeatedly to help sales organizations increase their sales results. If you are wondering about the name, after using the name “R. Shawn McBride” to differentiate himself from the other speakers named “Shawn McBride” some of his audience members started calling him “Our Shawn McBride” and given Shawn’s passion for uniqueness in business the name stuck.

The blockchain is a new fundamental technology. It has been liking to the advent of the internet in the scope of its possible changes for the future of the business world. This technology has a chance to change everything throughout the business. Most people are clueless about blockchain and they don't fully understand it. Even if you try to Google blockchain, read about it and its implications it becomes clear that most people that are talking about it are highly technical. And this gap between the highly technical people talking about blockchain and the business owners and users that need to use it every day is wide.

This program is designed to get you an understanding of blockchain what it is what it means and what it can do for your business. Take me away all of that unnecessary jargon and hype and get down to the basics of what this technology is now and what it means for the future. It's still early in the evolution of blockchain and the business applications of it are just starting to be fully developed to the Market usable solution. So it's still time for us all to get a better understanding of where we are and where we're headed.

Make no doubt some people will take advantage of your said implementation of blockchain to throw their business. In fact, some companies will not surprise by the change to a blockchain-enabled world. Others will capitalize on it and use this as a growth opportunity. By having a basic understanding of blockchain and what it can really mean to the future of your business and industry you will be separated from others. You will be able to control your destiny and plan better for what you want to do with your future of dismissing.

If blockchain is truly the next internet do you want to wait and catch up with everybody else or do you want to have first-mover advantages and get ahead of the crowd? We only see fundamental shifts in industry and Technology a few times in each of our lifetimes. Could blockchain be the next one? and wouldn't it be great to be in early on such a fundamental shift?

Join us for this course because we will make blockchain understandable to the common business owner or business leader. Will put aside all of those technical charts and graphs and schematics about hashes data storage and retrieval and other things. What we'll be doing is bringing blockchain down to its most simple and usable elements so that each of us can understand it and so we can do more in the future.

As a bonus by understanding blockchain will also better understand cryptocurrency it's cousin. Cryptocurrency is built on blockchain technology but is a different and fundamentally Deke technology. The first step in understanding cryptocurrency is to understand blockchain and what blockchain can mean for the future of business and how blockchain works. This course will give you that understanding. Blockchain has become a common term in the business world. But many people don’t understand what it is. We’ll look into what it is, what the terms mean, and why it matters to the business.

Areas Covered    

  • Blockchain
  • What is blockchain
  • Blockchain usage
  • Technology implementation

Course Level - Basic

Who Should Attend   

  • Business owners
  • CEOs
  • Business leaders

Why Should You Attend

The blockchain is coming in the blockchain is coming fast and has the potential of completely changing the business world.

Are you worried about what this technology is and why everybody else is talking about it so much? And what could it mean to your business?

Do you worry about missing the next big thing? Some people have like in blockchain to the internet in the 1990s. It became a fundamental and universal technology in the course of just a few decades. And others feel the blockchain will do the same in the future. Does it scare you not knowing what this technology could do?

Or perhaps you're uncertain about what blockchain will mean to business. Do you think it might be all hype? Are people just pushing something to make money?

Or maybe you just don't want to look dumb in a business meeting with somebody who starts talking about blockchain and you don't know what to do. Could that be your customer or vendor? Somebody that, you want to keep a business relationship with?

Blockchain brings a lot of uncertainty with it. But with knowledge, you'll be able to better understand what the technology is now what it might do in the future and what it can mean to your business. This will give you reassurance and certainty that perhaps you are making the plans that will work in the future. You certainly don't want to be in a situation where your competitors have better information than you do. Would it keep you up at night if your competitors had an advantage over you?

  • $200.00

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