Forensic Accounting: When The Office Is a Crime Scene
  • CODE : NORD-0008
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Beginner
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For over 20 years, Robert Nordlander was a special agent with IRS-Criminal Investigation, where he investigated tax evaders and money launderers around the world.  He has a CPA license and a CFE credential.  After a successful law enforcement career, he now operates Nordlander CPA, PLLC, a boutique forensic accounting and tax resolution firm, located in North Carolina.

He speaks nationwide about forensic accounting and solving IRS problems.  He is an author of Amazon bestselling books about forensic accounting and tax resolution.

Embezzlement happens often to many small businesses. Unfortunately, the lack of internal controls allows the embezzlement to remain undetected for years. But when it is discovered, the small business owner will most likely contact their CPA for advice. What should you do when your client contacts you about their employee embezzling money from their business? What options should you present to your client? How can your client protect themselves, while investigating the embezzlement? What steps need to be taken about preserving any documents, emails, texts, or phone calls?

This course teaches how to engage the client, properly identify the evidence needed to prove the crime, and how to? write the report for civil and criminal trials and best practices in preserving electronic and paper evidence.

Areas Covered

  • A step-by-step process from the initial client phone call to you writing a report of your findings for any civil or criminal actions that may be pursued
  • How to advise your client in approaching an allegation of embezzlement?
  • What pitfalls may arise in finding the truth?
  • The best practices to ensure that the evidence is preserved properly for potential civil or criminal actions

Who Should Attend

Accountants and CPAs who want to learn the best practices to help their clients when the client's employee is embezzling from their business.

Why Should You Attend

If you are a trusted finance professional, then you may get a phone call or hear about an incident in which someone in an office has embezzled funds from their employer. This course is to help you understand the best practices to maintain the integrity of the evidence while investigating the allegation.

  • $160.00

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