Ignite the Best – Empower the Rest - Make Training Stick
  • CODE : BRLE-0048
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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International event speaker, MC, and author, Bruce Lee brings the experience of a solid business background from a good cross section of industry:
  -  Branch management / special projects for a major Canadian Bank,
  -  Alberta Manager for the VISA credit card Division of the Bank,
  -  Senior marketing representative for a fully integrated Canadian oil and gas company,
  -  Senior consultant for an executive recruiting company,   
  -  Partner and then owner of a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year retail convenience store and gas bar business.
  - Director of Service Development and special projects consultant for a health  care focused international training company. This company won the 2017 Alberta Export Award for Professional Development for their specific health care success education processes.

Bruce has a passion for providing education keynotes, workshops and webinars all across North America full time, for the past 28 years with a full utilization and implementation zeal. He enjoys working with individuals and organizations to help them get the results they need to grow their careers and enhance their business success.

The intent of every presentation is to ensure implementation of the ideas and strategies to move people ahead with a realizable return on their education event investment.

Bruce is a newly published author of the book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge.

What drives you? What is the one thing that is your purpose in life? The answer to this will get and keep you focused on being the best you can be. Your attitude, and behavior, impact everything you do, what you say, how you say it, and how it influences everyone you connect with. See just how important the soft skills of recognition, appreciation, and an ability to set high expectations are in getting employees fully engaged. Introduce a greater level of personal growth and individual acknowledgment. Productivity, accountability, creativity, and morale will improve!

How we communicate affects everyone. Great communication, great results, poor communication, poor results. It is vital for you to retain, inspire, and empower your employees, which comes by setting the example of what a great attitude and behavior looks like. “You are important to me, our team, our clients, and our customers.” See how to take charge of your influence and power, and why it is attitude that matters. Hear the story of the value of first impressions and a smile! Check out all the steps to empower and motivate everyone.

Areas Covered

  • Learn the power behind Enthusiasm
  • See how to embrace your role at work in a new way
  • Lead by example by leading with purpose
  • Adopt the three ways to develop your personal power
  • See how to deliver “The Greatest Management Principle” that retains and empowers employees
  • Understand your personal power is how you "S.A.M." everyone that develops superstars   
     - Set high expectations   
     - Appreciation is key
     - Making a difference
  • BONUS Measurement Tools for You:
    - Free PDF version of E-Book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge
    - Self-Test: Rating Your Soft Skill Leadership Attributes (employee loyalty focus)
    - Self-Test: Confidential Leadership Empowerment Survey (employee retention)
    - COACH – Coaching Skills Self-Assessment (how to coach, empower, be coached)
    - My L.I.S.T. – how to get to know the driving/ motivation side of an employee
    - A link to all the complimentary resources on the Bruce Lee Web Site

Who Should Attend

Everyone needs a regular "check up from the neck up" to stay engaged in their work, and be there for their members, customers, clients - and prospects. This delivers a fun, light session with three memorable stories that will remain with you forever and specific steps on how to build and maintain a great personal reputation.

Why Should You Attend

This is an inspired look at how to put the power of attitude and excellence to work for you that will accelerate your professional career, improve your personal life, and speed up your journey to excellence. This session identifies exactly what it is that separates the average employee from the superstar. You will learn the traits, skills, habits, and behaviors that motivate anyone you work with, to a higher level of contribution and subsequent success. It is impression management, awareness of the image you are presenting to others.

Topic Background

The secret to obtaining the maximum result from any presentation is when you actually work the content by the questions asked. Preferably, work these with someone else so you can both benefit from hearing each other’s ideas and be affirmed that what you know is correct. Unless there is some sort of active work on the content, 93% of it will be forgotten in less than 60 hours.

This webinar is unique in that you will be asked to address 7 questions that show you how to engage, inspire, and generate employees to embrace any new idea sent their way - and that will make you a better leader.

Ideally – two people on the webinar at the same computer so the two of you actually workshop and experience the questions – thereafter owning the “how to duplicate this in our organization”.

  • $200.00

Recorded / Download Access

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