HR Compliance

How to Conduct a Harassment & Bullying Investigation

 Recorded Webinar
 120 Minutes
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How to Conduct a Harassment & Bullying Investigation

The EEOC requires that employers receiving a complaint, or otherwise learning of alleged harassment in the workplace, “investigate promptly and thoroughly…take immediate and appropriate corrective action by doing whatever is necessary to end the harassment, make the victim whole by restoring lost employment benefits or opportunities, and prevent the misconduct from recurring”. That’s a tall order to ensure ..

How to Conduct a Mock OSHA Audit

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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How to Conduct a Mock OSHA Audit

Are you overwhelmed or scared and at the thought of OSHA conducting a walk-through of your facility?  Many owners, plant managers, supervisors, and even safety professionals are overwhelmed and often don’t take the time necessary to conduct a thorough Mock OSHA Audit. Don't wait until someone gets hurt or OSHA fines you to get serious about evaluating the hazards in your work practices and in your work..

How to Conduct an Effective Workplace Investigation

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Conduct an Effective Workplace Investigation

In today’s workplace, there are numerous situations that can cause problems for employers that need to be followed up on and investigated by HR. These include claims of harassment, claims of discrimination, claims of a hostile environment, claims of retaliation, claims of improper pay practices, and many more claims of improper management practices. HR usually ends up with the responsibility for conducting ..

How to Connect to the New Generation Z

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Connect to the New Generation Z

Generation Z requires a modern work culture, focused on technology and good leadership. Millennials have been pushing for this type of culture to improve the workforce, however, Generation Z expects it. It is critical for work cultures to enter the 21st century, especially in a time of rapid innovation, where companies that are not built on a culture of agility and technology will quickly fall far behind. L..

How to Create Team Spirit When Mainly Working Virtually

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Create Team Spirit When Mainly Working Virtually

There are many virtual communication tools. What’s the difference between using phone or using one of the many video conferencing tools? What features should you learn to use so you can increase team spirit, motivation? How can you get the team members to eagerly await the sessions rather than dread them?In this program, we will address the benefits and detriments of virtual team interactions and many engag..

How To Cultivate Employee Accountability

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How To Cultivate Employee Accountability

One of the most common complaints we hear from supervisors and managers is that people who work for them won't take responsibility for going the extra mile and doing what is necessary to get their jobs done right.“It’s “It’s not my fault.” “It’s not my job.” “I didn’t know.”Excuses. We’ve heard them all. Wouldn’t you love to have all your employees see what needs to be done, do what needs to be done and acc..

How to De-Escalate Angry People in 90 Seconds or Less

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to De-Escalate Angry People in 90 Seconds or Less

Anger, verbal aggression, and arrogance are epidemic in business and professional life. Learning how to de-escalate these situations quickly and effectively is, therefore, a critical leadership skill. In this webinar, you will be introduced to a counter-intuitive, yet powerful, set of skills that will allow you to de-escalate any angry situation in seconds without being defensive or anxious.We are 98% emoti..

How to Detect and Prevent Employee Fraud

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Detect and Prevent Employee Fraud

Employee fraud has become a serious and persistent cause of financial losses and reputational damage to organizations of all kinds... More and more employees are committing crimes such as embezzlement, check fraud, falsification of financial statements, collusion with corrupt vendors, and, most recently with Volkswagen, fraudulent manipulation of product specifications. Making matters worse, computer and In..

How to Document Employee Discussions and Why That is Important

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Document Employee Discussions and Why That is Important

This session, which will provide participants the information needed to be better able to document employee discussions and defend the organization from losses incurred due to poor documentation practices. Learning ObjectivesHow and why documentation is goodo    Meets the legal requirements of Federal statuteso    Provides a record of interactions with employees in order t..

How to Effectively Use Pre-Hire Assessments for Improved Employee Selection

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Effectively Use Pre-Hire Assessments for Improved Employee Selection

Minimize hiring mistakes by using pre-hire assessments to measure job skills and personality attributes needed for top performance in key roles in your organization. Avoid costly turnover by hiring new employees who not only have the skills to do the job but who will also embrace the work required with high engagement and fit into your culture. Understand what assessments are available and how they can be a..

How to Improve Your Leadership Style

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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How to Improve Your Leadership Style

Before you start any journey you need to be certain of your “starting point” and then plan the best route to reach your destination. We will discuss basic behaviors and styles of leadership so you can figure out where you fit now. Then we will explore the necessary characteristics for becoming a great leader.Next, we will examine exactly how we become the way we are now, why we act the way we do, and how we..

How to Keep HR From Being the Employee Complaint Department

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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How to Keep HR From Being the Employee Complaint Department

It seems that HR has become the place where employees go to vent about every petty slight or departmental squabble. And employees somehow expect HR to instantaneously fix them and smooth over all of their workplace-related issues. Certainly, when employees come to HR to lodge legitimate complaints of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, of course, HR must listen, document, and investigate. However, t..

How to Legally Use Background Checks and Avoid the EEOC

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How to Legally Use Background Checks and Avoid the EEOC

This webinar provides an overview of the use of background checks during the hiring process – what are they typically and why are they used by employers. The Presentation will also discuss the potential discriminatory disparate impact the use of criminal background checks may have on applicant pools. New trends in the enforcement of anti-discrimination laws, particularly by the Equal Employment Opportunity ..

How To Make Sure Your Independent Contractors Are Really Independent

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How To Make Sure Your Independent Contractors Are Really Independent

The Webinar will discuss methods to ensure that workers classified as independent contractors are independent. With the push by the US Department of Labor to clamp down on misclassification of employees as independent contractors it is important for companies to make sure they have everyone classified correctly. Under the Affordable Care Act, many employers have thought about using independent contractors m..

How To Manage Poor Performing and/or Disruptive Employees

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How To Manage Poor Performing and/or Disruptive Employees

The bottom line is that you will acquire new tools to help you be a more coach and mentor in turning around the poor performer to be a productive member of your team.One of the biggest challenges facing a supervisor or manager is dealing with poor performing and/or disruptive employees. These chronically frustrating folks waste your time, disrupt your team, cost you money and make your life miserable. You m..

Showing 301 to 315 of 470 (32 Pages)