HR Compliance

Mediating Employee Complaints And Conflict Resolution Maneuvers For Managers

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Mediating Employee Complaints And Conflict Resolution Maneuvers For Managers

In a workplace, problems are solved all day long and interpersonal conflicts should be just another problem to be solved. However, it’s always easier to solve problems regarding things. But the people side of problems is usually trickier and in actuality, it’s highly unlikely that any problem solved in the workplace doesn’t have a people element to it. Some people like to say nothing in business is personal..

Medical & Recreational Marijuana – Impact on the Workplace

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Medical & Recreational Marijuana – Impact on the Workplace

Recently, the Department of Justice has made moves that indicate its intent to enforce federal law in jurisdictions where marijuana has been legalized. Traditionally, many employers have had one-size-fits-all policies that have zero tolerance for any use of marijuana. Considering the wide variety of state laws and recent court cases, employers need to evaluate their own policies regarding the use of medical..

Meeting Management: Stop Wasting Time; Start Getting Work Done and Even Have Some Fun

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Meeting Management: Stop Wasting Time; Start Getting Work Done and Even Have Some Fun

Ask managers what part of their job they find most taxing and tedious and the answer is sure to come in a loud and unanimous voice – Meetings. Too many, too often with too few results. Nothing seemed to get accomplished; the agenda was unclear; people were late…or didn’t even show up. Let’s face it. Meetings have a bad reputation; they are time wasters. The best you can hope for is to get through them. Righ..

Microaggressions: Harmful speech or free speech?

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Microaggressions: Harmful speech or free speech?

Everyone is working hard to create cohesive work teams and if you have ever been tasked with ensuring the success of a project or left wondering why your team just couldn’t seem to work together, you know that when people have to work together, challenges can occur.We’ve all done it... we’ve inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings or insulted them without thinking. But is that really a microaggression? Microa..

Microsoft Excel For HR Professionals: 9 Essential Functions You Must know

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Microsoft Excel For HR Professionals: 9 Essential Functions You Must know

Recruitment, training & development, compensation & benefits, payroll, employee relations, staff retention, etc. HR professionals are often seemed to have the easiest jobs in the company.Or is it?In reality, what goes behind the scenes is the endless amount of human resource information system (H.R.I.S.) inputs, preparing reports for the management, and spending face-time with employees just to get ..

Moving from Reactive to Proactive Leadership

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Moving from Reactive to Proactive Leadership

This topic is about leadership in today’s fast-paced business environment or any organization where effective, accountable leadership matters. It is about learning to move from a typical style of leadership which involves reacting to situations and changes rather than anticipating, planning and organizing for them.Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges will continue to arise in the leadership of any organiza..

Navigating the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Strategic Plan for 2018-2022

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Navigating the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Strategic Plan for 2018-2022

Participants in this webinar will learn about the three broad and overarching strategic objectives of the 2018-2022 EEOC strategic plan, outcome goals for each objective, and strategies of how to reach those goals.The EEOC enforces federal anti-discrimination laws that apply to hire, wages, and benefits. The EEOC has two roles:  prevention of law violations in the form of outreach, education and assist..

Negotiation Basics for Managers

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Negotiation Basics for Managers

In order to get things done the modern-day manager must know how to negotiate well. During the webinar, participants will learn how to plan for important negotiations. Managers will learn how to identify their conflict styles and those of others. The two main forms of negotiation will be explored: distributive and integrative negotiation. Interests and positions in negotiation will be examined. A number of ..

New California Employment Laws for 2018

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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New California Employment Laws for 2018

2018 brought California a variety of updated employment laws. This is a primer to the new California employment law and an update to changes to the existing laws for 2018. Among the various topics will be updates to the Fair Pay Act and a brief summary of new rules regarding background checks, and wage and hour laws. There will also be a brief discussion of the federal immigration laws as they are being app..

New Managers - What To Do; First, Second and Third

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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New Managers - What To Do; First, Second and Third

A person’s first promotion into a management position is usually both the most exciting and terrifying role of their career. Overnight everything changes and while exciting, there are many new expectations and responsibilities.Knowing what to do in today’s increasingly complicated employee situations can be difficult for even seasoned managers, and certainly so for a new manager who has never had training. ..

New Tax Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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New Tax Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave

In this practical webinar, you will learn how the Tax Credits and Jobs Act incentivizes paid Family and Medical Leave. We will also discuss the similarities and differences between the FMLA and the new Section 45S. We will provide you with analysis via examples of when leave qualifies for the credit in your 1st and succeeding years of eligibility.In 1993 the US Congress enacted the Family and Medical Leave ..

Office Gossip Solutions for Instant Impact and Results

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Office Gossip Solutions for Instant Impact and Results

How an organization deals with gossip can be mean the difference between growing and thriving or disintegrating from within. Office gossip is a fact of life; what you do with it is up to you. Come to this workshop and find out the answers to your questions, as well as exactly what you need to do to stop gossip in its tracks in your workplace. Stop Gossip in its Tracks before it ruins your reputation, your o..

Onboarding a Multi Generation Workforce

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Onboarding a Multi Generation Workforce

Onboarding is a topic often talked about but never done the right way. Many confuse Onboarding with New Hire Orientation. Although New Hire orientation is necessary, Onboarding is an important ingredient in retaining employees.Many organization that utilizes Onboarding still find it very difficult to retain employees. In this session, participants will learn how important it is to engage multi-generations i..

Onboarding Best Practices for Millennials and all Employees

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Onboarding Best Practices for Millennials and all Employees

Reducing turnover and fast-tracking new employees to productivity is a key business imperative. The reality is that about 30% of employees don’t make it past their first year and it’s expensive. Good recruitment and hiring can be quickly undone by disorganized poorly executed new employee orientation. And as millennials become a driving force in the workplace, they represent special opportunities and ch..

Onboarding is Not Orientation, Improving the Employee Experience

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Onboarding is Not Orientation, Improving the Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.Areas CoveredThe points covered in this webinar include:The cost of turnoverThe steps involved..

Showing 361 to 375 of 470 (32 Pages)