Linking Pay To Performance: Increasing Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance
Chris DeVany is the founder and president of Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide, a firm that focuses on management and organization development. Pinnacle’s clients include global organizations such as Visa International, Cadence Design Systems, Coca-Cola, Sprint, Microsoft, Aviva Insurance, Schlumberger and over 500 other organizations in 22 countries. He also has consulted with government agencies from the United States, the Royal Government of Saudi Arabia, Canada, Cayman Islands, and the United Kingdom.
He has published numerous articles in the fields of surviving mergers and acquisitions, surviving change, project management, management, sales, team-building, leadership, ethics, customer service, diversity, and work-life balance, in publications ranging from ASTD/Performance In Practice to Customer Service Management. His book, “90 Days to a High-Performance Team”, published by McGraw Hill and often accompanied by in-person, facilitated instruction, has helped and continues to help thousands of executives, managers, and team leaders improve performance.
He has appeared hundreds of times on radio and television interview programs to discuss mergers and acquisitions (how to manage and survive them), project management, sales, customer service, effective workplace communication, management, handling rapid personal and organizational change and other topical business issues. He has served or is currently serving as a board member of the International Association of Facilitators, Sales and Marketing Executives International, American Management Association, American Society of Training and Development, Institute of Management Consultants, American Society of Association Executives, Meeting Professionals International and National.
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Organizations spend an enormous amount of time, energy, and resources each year to set their organizational goals. To attain those goals, a company relies on its greatest asset: its employees. Employees who feel recognized demonstrate a stronger desire to help the company grow and succeed. Therefore, having pay for performance system incorporated into your organizational structure could leverage employee engagement and enhance overall organizational performance.
One methodology used to increase an organization’s productivity and profitability is to link performance pay with the organization’s goals. When instituting a pay-for-performance system, companies focus on translating organizational goals into performance measures at every level of the organization, from senior leaders on down. Discover how linking performance pay with organizational goals can boost productivity and benefit your organization.
Areas Covered
- Defining goal-based performance management
- Pros and Cons of linking performance to pay
- Obtaining buy-in at all levels of the organization
- Methods for introducing a goal-based performance system to employees
- Handling push-back from employees and managers
- Why do some managers hesitate to get on board with a goal-based performance management system and how to get past that issue
- Concept of “cascading” goals
- Six steps to cascading organizational goals, aligning them with the organization’s performance management process, and creating relevant employee development plans connected to the organization’s business strategy
- SMART goals
- How to set individual employee goals
- Performance tools available to managers
- How to coach employees who are not meeting goals
- Understand how pay for performance encourages exceptional performance among employees
- Tips to getting buy-in from all levels of the organization
- Learn methods to identify the characteristics of effective goals
- Understand the relationship of professional development to goals
- Create a “line of sight” connection between company, group, and individual goals
- Understand the link between employee engagement and performance management
Who Should Attend
- Senior Management
- HR Managers
- HR Generalists
- Operations Managers
- Compensation Professionals
- Managers with HR responsibility
- Any professional who establishes goals/performance targets or who has accountability for operational outcomes
Why Should You Attend
Alignment between an organization and its employees doesn’t come naturally – it takes planning, hard work, and communication. Learning effective techniques to optimize organizational outcomes by ensuring there is a ‘line of sight” connection between organizational objectives and the goals established for individual employees is crucial.
Participation in this webinar will offer attendees the opportunity to learn techniques to link performance pay with organizational goals resulting in a boost in productivity and numerous other benefits to the organization.