Word Tips and Tricks
Mike Thomas has worked in the IT training business since 1989. He is a subject matter expert in a range of technologies including Microsoft Office and Apple Mac. In 2012 Mike founded excel trainer.co.uk where he has produced nearly 200 written and video-based Excel tutorials. He has recorded several Excel training courses for plural sight.com and in his career delivered hundreds of courses and webinars on a wide variety of technology-related topics. Mike is a Fellow of The Learning and Performance Institute and has worked with and for a large number of global and UK-based companies and organizations across a diverse range of sectors. In addition to training, he also designs and develops Microsoft Office-based solutions that automate key business tasks and processes.
In today's world, it is very important to communicate using documents like letters, emails, books, etc. Microsoft Word is the standard word processor.
This course will show you how to be more efficient in Microsoft Word.
Areas Covered
Topic Include:
- Selecting text
- Number lists
- Bullet lists
- Sections
- Header and Footer
- Page number
- Table of Contents
- Index
- Tables
- Screenshot
- Hyperlink
Course Level - Beginner / Intermediate
Who Should Attend
- Business owners
- CEO’s / CFO’s / CTO’s
- Managers of all levels
- Anybody who uses Excel on a regular basis, and wants to be more efficient and productive
- Administrators
- Salespeople
- Trainers
- Bankers
- Office workers