Hiring and Retaining in this Crazy Economy
Don Phin is a California employment law attorney. He has consulted with
hundreds of companies to help improve their employment practices. He has
presented over 600 times to CEOs, HR, and other executives on what
works in employee relations. Don’s latest book is The 40| |40 Solution:
Mastering the Emotional Energy of Leadership and Sales. Don built
HRThatWorks, used by 3,500 companies and sold to ThinkHR in 2014. In
addition to consulting and speaking, Don does executive coaching and
workplace investigations.Originally a kid from the Bronx (you may still
hear the accent), today Don lives in sunny Coronado, California.
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Don has delivered this presentation to dozens of CEO and HR groups in the past few months. Employers are faced with The Great Resignation and The Great Quit, placing their companies and existing employees under enormous pressures. Since hiring and retention are closely related challenges, they are addressed together in this fast-moving presentation.
Areas Covered
- How to decide who to hire
- Employee referrals programs that work
- Three videos that should be on every hiring page
- Creating a wow first-day experience
- The Entrance Interview
- Getting to know the team
- How to calculate the true costs of employee turnover
- Why people leave and what you can do about it
- How to spend money wisely when trying to engage and retain employees and much more…
Why Should You Attend
While most companies have a healthy top of the line post-pandemic, their growth is severely limited by the ability to hire and retain talent. And, without the ability to grow the workforce added pressures are placed on existing employees exacerbating the retention problem.
Topic Background
The number one challenge faced by every business is getting and keeping employees. Employers are facing a labor shortage, increased wages and increased employee expectations