Culture Vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analog
  • CODE : ISIK-0003
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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M. Işık Deliorman is the Founder and CEO, Senior Business Consultant of Novida Global, Consulting Company, with a wealth of experience in propelling business growth and facilitating transformation.

With a solid foundation in strategic leadership, innovation, culture, and change, she has a remarkable history of providing organizations of various scales with effective solutions, drawing on her profound business acumen and industry expertise.

She is an Industrial Engineer, holding an MA degree in Strategic Leadership, Innovation, Culture, and Change. She has a 23-year career history, including various Director roles at Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard in Türkiye, where she also took on regional roles and projects from time to time.

She designs and delivers services, programs and workshops, and develops Models and Frameworks to enable strategic growth, innovation, organizational, digital and cultural transformations. She actively leads the Projects and Change Management efforts.

She held influential positions in various Associations and Societies, with the aim of supporting individuals, leaders and businesses grow. Işık Deliorman is a highly engaged mentor, actively involved in supporting entrepreneurs/ start-ups, investors, SMEs, and women enterprises.

She is a highly accomplished professional in public speaking, panel moderation, workshop design, and facilitation. With a captivating speaking style, she has conducted impactful seminars at universities and professional platforms.

Her authoritative articles on business management, strategy, leadership, transformation, culture, and innovation have been featured in prestigious publications and social media.

Her unwavering passion lies in fostering growth and making a meaningful impact, by constantly updating skills and knowledge in the face of relentless change and leveraging creativity and innovation.

In today's dynamic and unpredictable business landscape, the success and sustainability of organizations hinge on their ability to navigate the intricate interplay between culture and strategy.

Welcome to our immersive webinar, "Culture vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analogy". where we embark on a 90-minute journey of deep dive into the core of organizational dynamics, equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in today's competitive environment.

  • Understanding Culture and Strategy: In this foundational segment, we define and elucidate the fundamental concepts of culture and strategy. Drawing insights from authoritative sources and academic perspectives, we explore the essence of these core components. Real-world examples will be used to illustrate the stark difference between the two.
  • Introducing the Breakfast Table Analogy: “The Breakfast Table” Analogy by Peter Drucker takes center stage. We present this analogy as a powerful tool for understanding the intricate relationship between culture and strategy within organizations. We will unpack the analogy and elucidate its components, highlighting why it offers a valuable lens through which to view these crucial concepts.
  • Culture: The Breakfast Table: Now, we dive deeper into the "Breakfast Table" aspect of the analogy. By exploring how culture is akin to the breakfast table, we delve into the values, norms, and behaviors that underpin an organization's identity. Real-world examples will illuminate how culture can profoundly shape an organization's character and influence its trajectory.
  • Strategy: The Breakfast Menu: Shifting our focus to the "Breakfast Menu" within the analogy, we will explore how strategy encompasses decisions, plans, and the pursuit of organizational goals. Concrete examples will showcase the impact of effective strategies on organizational success.
  • Culture and Strategy Interactions: One of the core themes of our webinar emerges as we investigate how culture and strategy interact within an organization. We will scrutinize the profound influence of culture on strategy development and execution. Through examples, we will examine both successful and unsuccessful interactions, offering valuable insights.
  • Challenges and Pitfalls: Understanding the challenges that organizations encounter when attempting to align culture and strategy is essential. We will identify common hurdles and pitfalls and provide practical tips and strategies for overcoming them.
  • Culture vs. Strategy: Balancing Act: Navigating the tension between culture and strategy is an art. We will explore the transformative power of culture and how it can be aligned with strategy effectively. Drawing on the cases of organizations like Hewlett-Packard, Netflix, Microsoft, and Zappos, we will showcase how organizations have successfully transformed their cultures and achieved alignment
  • Building Alignment: Practicality takes the forefront as we provide actionable advice on how organizations can effectively align their culture and strategy. We will discuss the pivotal role of leadership, communication, and employee engagement in achieving alignment.

Attendees will leave with practical tips that can be immediately applied within their organizations, fostering alignment between culture and strategy.

Throughout this comprehensive 90-minute exploration, we aim to foster a deep understanding of the vital relationship between culture and strategy, providing attendees with actionable insights and strategies to drive organizational success.

Join us for "Culture vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analogy" and embark on a transformative journey towards a brighter, more promising future for your organization.

Areas Covered

  • Understanding culture and strategy
  • Introducing “The Breakfast Table” analogy
  • Culture: The breakfast table
  • Strategy: The breakfast menu
  • Culture and Strategy Interactions
  • Challenges and Pitfalls
  • Culture vs. Strategy: Balancing Act for Alignment and Transformation
  • Building the alignment

Who Should Attend

  • Board Members and Directors
  • CEOs and Top-level Executives
  • Managers and Team Leaders
  • Professionals in Various Industries
  • Entrepreneurs and Start-up Founders
  • Leaders in Non-profit Organizations
  • Government Officials and Administrators
  • Academics and Researchers
  • Human Resources Directors/Managers and Professionals
  • Organizational Development Professionals
  • Learning and Development Professionals
  • Program/Project Management Leaders and Teams
  • Change Management Leaders and Practitioners
  • Business/Management Consultants

Why Should You Attend

In today's swiftly evolving business landscape, the future remains shrouded in uncertainty, with stakes higher than ever before. Neglecting to grasp the intricate dynamics of culture and strategy within your organization could usher in dire consequences.

Attending our forthcoming webinar, "Culture vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analogy", presents an opportunity of unparalleled importance that you simply cannot overlook.

  • Survival in a Shifting Terrain: The contemporary business world is characterized by relentless change, driven by technological advancements, global interconnectedness, and swiftly shifting consumer expectations. Clinging to outdated methods and disregarding the symbiotic connection between culture and strategy can leave your organization alarmingly vulnerable. Our webinar offers insights into the strategies employed by thriving companies, not merely to endure but to flourish amid the tumultuous currents of uncertainty.
  • Competitive Edge or Disintegration: In the intensely competitive marketplace of today, organizations engage in unrelenting battles for market dominance, customer loyalty, and innovation leadership. Those who adeptly adapt and align their organizational culture with their strategic vision gain a substantial competitive advantage. Our webinar equips you with the tools and insights necessary to not only compete but to emerge as a frontrunner in your industry.
  • Risk Mitigation: Think of the financial losses, erosion of brand reputation, and disengagement of your invaluable workforce that could ensue from such a misstep. The repercussions of a misalignment between culture and strategy can be catastrophic. Our webinar arms you with the knowledge required to navigate the complexities of culture and strategy in harmony.
  • Opportunity Cost: Every moment you postpone comprehending the intricate interplay between culture and strategy represents a missed opportunity for growth and success. The longer you delay, the greater the risk of falling behind competitors who have already harnessed the power of alignment. Our webinar serves as a catalyst for transformation connecting you with these opportunities and unlocking new avenues for growth and innovation.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: For individuals, this webinar represents not only a benefit to your organization but also a conduit for your personal and professional growth. The knowledge and insights you gain will position you as a valuable asset within your company, empowering you to make a significant impact on your organization's success.
  • Tips and Tricks: Our Speaker’s invaluable experience and expertise will provide you with actionable takeaways that have the potential to revolutionize your organization's trajectory. This is a rare opportunity to learn from the best in the field and apply their wisdom to your own professional journey.

Seize the opportunity to gain a profound understanding of the pivotal relationship between culture and strategy. By participating in "Culture vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analogy" you are not solely investing in your organization's future; you are positioning both yourself and your organization for unprecedented success and growth.

Join us on this transformative journey toward a brighter, more promising future.

Topic Background

The relationship between organizational culture and strategy is a dynamic and critical aspect of achieving long-term success in today's business landscape.

The webinar titled "Culture vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analogy" seeks to delve into this complex interplay, using a unique analogy to offer participants valuable insights into how culture and strategy shape an organization's identity and future.

Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that define how individuals within a company interact and work together. Strategy, on the other hand, encompasses the deliberate plans and actions an organization takes to achieve its goals and objectives. The importance of understanding and effectively managing both culture and strategy cannot be overstated, as they fundamentally impact an organization's performance, adaptability, and resilience.

The “Breakfast Table” Analogy by Peter Drucker provides a fresh perspective on these concepts. Just as a breakfast table consists of a variety of elements, from the dishes served to the etiquette followed, an organization's culture represents the values, norms, and behaviors exhibited by its members, while its strategy resembles the menu, offering choices and plans for the future. By exploring this analogy, we can gain a deeper understanding of how these elements interact and influence one another.

Throughout the webinar, we will examine real-world examples that illustrate the significance of culture and strategy. We will also address the challenges organizations face in aligning these two critical components and provide strategies for fostering a harmonious relationship between culture and strategy.

Ultimately, this webinar aims to equip participants with practical insights and tools to navigate the intricate balance between culture and strategy, fostering organizational growth and success.

  • $200.00

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