Emotional Intelligence: The Missing Component in Leadership Success
  • CODE : KABR-0058
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Karla Brandau is a thought leader in management and team building techniques. She trains individuals to improve their communications and thus their relationships with anyone they interface with.

She specializes in personalities, communication skills, leadership principles.

She is the CEO of Workplace Power Institute and has educated managers with her proven leadership principles in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America.

She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by National Speakers Association.

Karla’s book, How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort, teaches managers how to be the leader people CHOOSE to follow, not have to follow because of their position on the organizational chart.

Emotional Intelligence has several components and by balancing these components, you can be not only more successful as a leader, but you can be more successful at handling stress and crafting a satisfying life.

From the leadership viewpoint, emotional intelligence gives you the ability to relate to employees and colleagues, create rapport with them, and influence their behaviors.

You start with the components of self-perception and self-expression. Your self-regard and emotional self-awareness are the foundation of your self-actualization and the basis for how you treat other people. If you have high self-regard for yourself, you will extend self-regard to your team members and all you meet in your professional life.

Self-expression refers to the ability to control emotions in conversations with others. Good self-expression helps you be assertive, not aggressive, when communicating feelings, confronting problems with team members, and holding people accountable after clear delegation.

High emotional intelligence helps you in every interpersonal interaction from building high performing teams to extending empathy to individuals. With the emotional intelligence skills you learn in this webinar, you will become the leader people choose to follow, not have to follow because you are the “boss”.

Areas Covered

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation
  • Empathy
  • Social Skills

You will learn how to:

  • Be aware of your emotions
  • Know when emotions are escalating out of control
  • De-escalate your emotions and look at annoyances from a logical viewpoint
  • Handle stressful situations
  • Maintain self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Extend empathy and compassion to others
  • Accept diverse opinions
  • Include every member of your team

In the social skills arena, you will get tips for:

  • Managing conflict
  • Delegating with clarity
  • Inspiring and motivating team members
  • Increasing rapport
  • Improving the touch points with each individual you manage

Take careful notes as you will be challenged to make one or two goals related to increasing your emotional intelligence.

Who Should Attend

  • Managers and leaders at all levels of the organization, especially millennial managers or high potentials.
  • Director
  • Vice President
  • President
  • Office Manager
  • Team Lead
  • Project Manager
  • Plant Manager
  • Manufacturing Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Accounting Manager
  • Sales Manager

Why Should You Attend

Over and over again, emotional intelligence, or EQ, has proven to be more important to career and life success than IQ which has been used as the definitive measure of success for decades.

IQ is a person’s intellectual, analytical, logical and rational abilities. It is a predictor of verbal, spatial, visual and mathematical skills. A relatively high IQ helps you pass tests and examinations with flying colors. So why are they unsuccessful?

One reason is the lack of emotional intelligence or people skills.

If you have a high IQ, congratulations. If you have a lower IQ, don’t fret. You can make up for IQ with EQ.

Learn the emotional intelligence secrets savvy leaders know by attending this webinar.

Topic Background

Questions about how to be successful have been asked for centuries. Fortunately, in the 21st century, many reasons for success have been revealed. One of those factors is emotional intelligence.

  • $200.00

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