How to Deal With Difficult People
  • CODE : SAND-0004
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Refer a Friend

Sandra Crowe, MA, PCC, the author of Since Strangling Isn't an Option (Perigee,’99, ‘08), and “I Didn’t Sign Up for This!: 7 Strategies for Dealing With Difficulty in Difficult Times”(Two Harbors Press, 2012) is a professional speaker, trainer, coach, and facilitator. Her focus is to impart communications skills to create awareness of ineffective behaviors and to move people and teams forward in their mission. Topics include: “How to Win in Difficult Interactions”, “Mindfulness: Moving from Chaos to Calm”, “Presenting to Diverse Audiences: From Nerves to Navigation”, “Three Fixes for the Five Team Dysfunctions”, “Dealing With Different  Personality Types”,  “What to Say to a Difficult Customer”

Past clients include: The Executive Office of the President, National Association of Female Executives, Wireless Infrastructure Association, National Older Workers Career Center, Social Security Administration, FBI, Dept. of Agriculture, Marriott, Sony Corp., Southland Corp, Citicorp, The Discovery Channel, Sears, The Census Bureau, Union Labor Life Insurance, NASA and Depts. of Army and Navy, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Past Media Includes: NPR, CBS Morning News, To Tell the Truth, ABC7, WBAL-Baltimore, WUSA9, The Washington Post, The New York Times, LA Times, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s World, Men’s Health, Dr. Toni Grant, WHUR, and To Tell the Truth(Will the real Sandra Crowe please stand up). 

Sandra has a passion for International Culture having lived in West Africa and spent time in Israel, Europe, Mexico, Central and South America and having driven from her home in Washington, DC to El Salvador.  

Are you or your colleagues plagued with different types of resistant, challenging, uncooperative, unpredictable difficult people? Would you like better understanding and solutions for their or your difficult people problems? This session will introduce you to new aspects of dealing with difficult people that you or they may not have seen before. It will energize new strategies and tactics for dealing with the unrelenting stubborn behaviors and tendencies those toughies either pride themselves on or may be completely unaware of. Either way, you will walk away with new possibilities for changing your inner and outer behavior to impact the conversation and the relationship’s future.

  • Creating a Mindset that moves you and the interaction with difficult people forward
  • Understanding what triggers you about the scenario
  • Creating new behaviors they can respond to differently: Do Something Different, Get Something Different
  • Look at and mimic successful behaviors
  • Asking the right questions to move awareness and conversations to the right place
  • Understanding personality dynamics and how to change them when necessary dealing with emotions that arise in the process
  • How to get them to start, stop, or continue with behaviors that will move interactions forward
  • Uniting everyone and creating more inclusion

Learning Objectives

To support participants in creating the right mindset and behaviors to shift interactions with difficult people to a more uplifting way of communicating

Who Should Attend

Supervisors, managers, team leads are ideal for this session

Why Should You Attend

If you are having challenges in dealing with difficult colleagues, team members or even people in your home life, then this session is for you. You will gain more understanding as to why they bother you, why they act the way they do, and most importantly, what you can do about it.

  • $200.00

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