Master the Art of Networking: Unleash the Power of mBraining
  • CODE : HAFN-0003
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Claudina Hafenscher is a transformative Holistic Empowerment Coach and mBIT Master Coach, renowned for her ability to guide individuals towards lives of fulfilment and purpose. With over 25 years of experience, Claudina has honed her expertise in empowering individuals, educators, and corporate leaders to overcome challenges and achieve lasting transformation.

As a seasoned pianist and organist, Claudina's passion for personal growth and transformation extends far beyond the realm of music. Her holistic approach recognizes the intricate interplay of mind, body, and spirit, and her mBIT Master Coach certification enables her to delve deep into the complexities of an individual's psychology, uncovering hidden strengths and patterns. By integrating Educational Kinesiology and somatic coaching, Claudina creates personalized roadmaps to balance, resilience, and well-being.
Having overcome her own mental health challenges, Claudina brings a profound empathy and understanding to her coaching practice. Her firsthand experience empowers her to offer compassionate support and practical strategies for navigating life's complexities. Claudina is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their potential, heal from past wounds, and cultivate a thriving future. Her coaching style is characterized by a blend of expertise, compassion, and a steadfast belief in human resilience.

Claudina's unique ability to translate complex musical concepts into relatable life lessons makes her a compelling and engaging speaker. She is dedicated to helping others unlock their inner potential and create a harmonious life.

A Deeper Dive into the mBraining Networking Dance

Imagine yourself at a bustling networking event, surrounded by unfamiliar faces and buzzing conversations. The prospect of approaching strangers and striking up meaningful connections can be daunting. However, by mastering the mBraining framework, you can transform these potentially awkward encounters into opportunities for growth and connection.

The heart, the connector, plays a pivotal role in building rapport. Think about the time you struck up a conversation with a fellow traveler at an airport, discovering a shared love for exploring new cultures. The conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and genuine interest. That's the magic of the heart connection. To harness your heart's power, actively listen, ask open-ended questions, and share personal anecdotes. Remember, people are drawn to those who make them feel seen, heard and understood.

The gut, the navigator, is your internal compass. Trust your intuition when interacting with others. If something feels off, don't force the interaction. Pay attention to nonverbal cues, such as crossed arms or avoiding eye contact, which might indicate disinterest. Remember, your gut instinct is often a reliable guide.

The head, the strategist, is your analytical mind. Think ahead and do your research before attending events. Learn about the event's focus, potential attendees, and industry trends. This knowledge will equip you with relevant talking points and help you identify potential connections.

Beyond these three core intelligences, consider the power of a handshake. Research suggests that a handshake preceding social interaction can enhance the positive impact of the approach and diminish the negative impact of avoidance behavior. A firm, confident handshake, combined with eye contact and a genuine smile, can create a positive first impression and set the stage for a successful interaction.

Real-Life Example:

Imagine you're at a tech conference and you spot someone wearing a unique gadget. You approach them, compliment the gadget, and strike up a conversation about their work. Through active listening and genuine interest, you discover a shared passion for sustainable technology. You exchange contact information and agree to follow up on potential collaborations. This encounter, facilitated by your heart's connection, gut's intuition, and head's strategic thinking, demonstrates the power of mBraining in networking.

Remember, networking is not just about exchanging business cards; it's about building relationships. By leveraging your heart, gut, and head, you can transform networking events from daunting experiences into opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Additional Insights:

  • Practice mindfulness: Before attending a networking event, take a few moments to center yourself and reduce anxiety.
  • Focus on quality over quantity: Aim for meaningful connections rather than trying to meet as many people as possible.
  • Follow up with a personalized note: A handwritten note or a tailored email can make a lasting impression.
  • Be patient: Building strong relationships takes time. Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results.

By incorporating these additional insights into your networking approach, you can further enhance your ability to build meaningful connections and achieve your goals.

Areas Covered

  • Brief understanding the three core intelligences of mBraining
  • Building rapport and trust through emotional intelligence
  • Harnessing your intuition for effective networking
  • Using your analytical mind to plan and execute a successful networking strategy
  • Overcoming Common Networking Challenges
  • Creating a personalized networking script

Who Should Attend    

  • Sales professionals: Build stronger relationships with clients and prospects.
  • Marketing professionals: Expand your network and generate leads.
  • Entrepreneurs: Find potential partners, investors, and mentors.
  • Job seekers: Increase your visibility and land your dream job.
  • Career professionals: Advance your career through meaningful connections.

Why Should You Attend

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and underprepared at networking events? Do you struggle to make a lasting impression and build meaningful connections? Do you fear rejection and worry about being seen as a nuisance? If so, then this webinar is designed specifically for you.

Imagine a world where networking is no longer a daunting task, but a rewarding and enjoyable experience. By attending this webinar, you will gain a deep understanding of the mBraining framework and how it can transform your networking approach. You'll learn how to leverage your emotional intelligence, intuition, and analytical thinking to create lasting impressions and foster mutually beneficial relationships.

This comprehensive webinar will equip you with practical strategies to:

  • Overcome networking anxiety and build confidence.
  • Build meaningful connections that last.
  • Make a lasting impression and stand out from the crowd
  • Leverage your emotional intelligence, intuition, and analytical thinking for networking success.
  • Master the art of the handshake and create a positive first impression.

Picture yourself confidently approaching strangers, engaging in insightful conversations, and building a strong network of supportive individuals. This webinar will provide you with the tools and techniques to make this a reality.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your networking potential and take your career to the next level. Register now to secure your spot and learn how to master the art of mBraining and build meaningful connections.

Topic Background    

Networking is a fundamental skill for professionals in today's competitive business landscape. However, many individuals struggle to build meaningful connections, often leading to missed opportunities and limited career growth. Traditional networking approaches often focus on superficial interactions and transactional relationships.

  • $160.00

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