Reporting on Impact: How To Write Your Annual Report
  • CODE : ELLE-0001
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Ellen Bristol is a thought leader in the field of strategic fundraising for nonprofits, B-Corps, and social enterprises. She founded Bristol Strategy Group in 1995 and has worked with nonprofit organizations ever since to improve their fundraising results. She developed her firm’s trademarked methodology Fundraising the SMART Way™, and also designed the Leaky Bucket Assessment for Effective Fundraising, the only popular study of fundraising-staff productivity which has been gathering data since 2011. Ellen enjoyed a successful 20-year career as a major-account sales representative for Fortune 50 companies until she founded her firm and discovered a passion for the nonprofit sector. She made it her mission to repurpose the most meaningful and proven disciplines of strategic sales management to the nonprofit sector, creating higher levels of productivity while maintaining the philanthropic heart and charitable soul of nonprofits and NGO’s.

You operate your nonprofit to have an impact on its mission. Everyone interested in your mission wants to know how much of an impact you make, so they are waiting actively for you to tell them about it. The most powerful vehicle for conveying this information, after your website of course is your annual report. In this webinar, you will learn how to craft an annual report that educates, inspires, and motivates your constituents and stakeholders, whether your organization is a grassroots start-up or a venerable institution with a century of experience behind it.

Before you write even the first word of the annual report, do the hard work of gathering data describing your results, the impact you’ve made during the past year (or so) leading to mission achievement. The most effective annual reports summarize results, which means you must keep track of pertinent results all year long. If you have the data, this webinar will show you how to pack it into your report. If you don’t have the data, this webinar will show you how to find it, collate it and report on it.

Annual reports are one of the most effective ways to raise awareness of your nonprofit, thank your supporters, and advertise your value to the community. Think of it as a companion to your website. Unlike your website, which changes regularly as you update it, your annual report is a snapshot of achievements for the past fiscal year. We will show you how to use well-written content, images, graphics, and charts to paint the picture of your ability to fulfill your goals and objectives.

Wherever possible, use your annual report to acknowledge your funding sources. This information is more valuable than may appear at first glance, a secret we will share during the webinar. Just know this: acknowledging your funding sources in an annual report will attract more funders like your current ones, and give you the opportunity to discover if current funders have more giving capacity.

Just like your website, your annual report justifies the investment of time, effort, and money. Like any wise investment, the annual report will pay off handsomely in engaging your funders, attracting new ones, and recognizing staff, board, and volunteers, as long as you know how to describe the impact.

Areas Covered   

  • Why have an annual report?
  • Anatomy of the annual report
  • Defining the data that’s relevant
  • Collating data
  • Writing for funders, donors, board members, and other constituents
  • Tools for improving your writing skills
  • Media and markets: how to publish your annual report

Course Level - Fundamental

Who Should Attend

  • Board Chairs
  • CEOs
  • Executive Directors of Nonprofits
  • Directors of Fundraising (Development)
  • Nonprofit Marketing Staff

Why Should You Attend

Fearful about creating your annual report? Worried it won’t get the message across, that it doesn’t really matter if you have one or not? Concerned it will cost more than it is worth to create? Or maybe you’ve never written your first annual report and the whole idea leaves you scratching your head.

This webinar will dispel your worries. Learn how to describe your impact in words, pictures, testimonials, and easy-to-follow graphs. Find out the secret weapon for donor acquisition and retention, hidden in the annual report process. Use your annual report to spread the word about your mission impact, and attract more interest from the funding community.

Topic Background   

Nonprofit organizations have a powerful marketing tool in their annual reports. This report is a must-have for even the smallest or newest nonprofits since it makes a great advertisement for your ability to make a difference.

  • $200.00

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