Managers Should Consider “Vicarious Liability”, When Conducting Disciplinary Actions!
Margie Faulk, PHR, SHRM-CP is a senior level human resources professional with over 14 years of HR management and compliance experience. A former Compliance Officer for Federal Defense Contracting Industry, Margie has worked as an HR and Compliance advisor for major corporations and small businesses in the small, large, private, public and Non-profit sectors. Margie is bilingual (Spanish) fluent and Bi-cultural. Margie’s focus is on multi-state, national, state and local workplace compliance. Additionally, Margie is working on International compliance initiatives globally which include workplace compliance in other countries like the UK, Canada, France, Brazil, China, Africa, Mexico, and India, just to name a few.
Margie has created and presented seminars/webinars for many compliance institutes. These national training providers, offer compliance training to professionals, business owners and companies interested in having their company compliant with workplace and industry regulations. Margie holds professional human resources certification (PHR) from the HR Certification Institution (HRCI) and SHRM-CP certification from the Society for Human Resources Management. Margie has completed the Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional training and is a member of the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics (SCCE).
How many times have managers/supervisors made decisions you as a business owner or company leadership wished they didn’t? The law is clear on what behaviors from managers are a risk of “Vicarious Liability”. This term has many implications for employers, employees, and managers. In fact, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has included managers who employees allege harassed them on any of the EEOC discrimination under the Civil Rights Act. The EEOC established the relationship between an employee’s supervisor as the identified person where Vicarious Liability claims would be an appropriate charge.
Many employers are not aware of the impact of the manager’s actions are on employment decisions. That is why one of the principles most HR professionals focus on is a training of managers on several legal and compliance guidelines, including “Vicarious Liability”. The manager must be accountable for the actions when it comes to employees. Managers are part of the company leadership and therefore they should be held to higher standards. As a compliance, professional I am aware of the correlations between manager training and risk reduction and would like employers to take seriously the role managers play in “Vicarious Liability”.
Employers, managers and even human resources professional should be aware of how their actions and behaviors impact the bottom line when it comes to how employees are treated. It is very easy for managers to hide behind their Employer when there are allegations against them by employees. However, managers should know that they can be part of an employee lawsuit against wrongful termination or other forms of harassment. Employers, managers, supervisors and even HR professionals should attend this training to ensure they are aware of how they can minimize the risk of being accused of charges under “Vicarious Liability”.
Free 36 Page Legal Report to prevent and reduce risk by two employment law attorneys for all attendees!!!!!!!!!!!
Learn how two attorneys focus on avoiding and preventing Vicarious Liability for sexual harassment by Supervisors! This in-depth expose on what Employers can do to limit their risk is easy to follow and easy to implement. If you do nothing else after this webinar, listen to Blair and Kunal in their recommendations to establish, Easy as P.I.E. (Policy, Implementation of that Policy and Enforcement). You will see how those easy steps will reduce risk as indicated by them and this webinar.
Blair T. Jackson and Kunal Bhatheja, Authors of “Easy As P.I.E.: Avoiding and Preventing Vicarious Liability for Sexual Harassment by Supervisors”, written for the Drake Law Review, Drake University, offers a great plan to reduce Employers risk.
All Attendees will receive this 36-page report to help them prevent and reduce risk!
Learning Objectives
- Learning what is the definition of “Vicarious Liability” and the implications for employers, managers, supervisors and HR professionals;
- The types of actions that are identified as liable under “Vicarious Liability”
- How to mitigate risk if your managers are not trained properly in management skills, disciplinary actions, and discrimination;
- What penalties can be levied against those charged with violating the Civil Rights Act?
- Who is identified as a supervisor by EEOC and what are the punitive damages if found guilty?
- How should employers mitigate employee allegations of discrimination and wrongful terminations?
- What behaviors are more likely to result in “Vicarious Liability”?
- What actions can minimize the risk for employers regarding their manager’s aggressive actions?
- What initiatives can be put in place to eliminate manager/supervisor negative behaviors?
Who Should Attend
- All Employers
- Business Owners
- Company Leadership
- Small business owners
- Managers/Supervisors/Promoted Supervisors
- Potential Manager/Supervisors
- Compliance professionals
- HR professionals