HR Compliance

Payroll Requirements For Terminated Employees

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Payroll Requirements For Terminated Employees

Managing termination pay requires knowing the federal and state laws. Human Resources and Payroll professionals must know the proper way to handle the final payment for non-exempt and exempt employees. Although the State will mandate how and when employees should receive their final payment, it’s the employer's responsibility to ensure all payments such as dismissal pay, severance pay, stock options and gol..

People-Reading Made Easy: A Simple Framework for Building Effective Workplace Relationships

 Recorded Webinar
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People-Reading Made Easy: A Simple Framework for Building Effective Workplace Relationships

No matter what your career level, occupation, or industry, chances are that much of the stress you experience at work is related to ‘people’ issues – and these issues often result from basic personality differences. Chances are that you work and do business with people of varying personality styles – some similar to you and some quite different, so treating people the way you want to be treated doesn’t alwa..

Performance Management Excellence

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Performance Management Excellence

Is your company ready for the next level of efficiency, productivity, and profit? Then you are ready to initiate and implement a Performance Management Plan.Your management can change the conditions of the workplace in order to measure the true success of your business. It includes activities that ensure organizational goals are consistently met in an effective and efficient manner. The overall goal of perf..

Performance Reviews That Build Loyalty

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 60 Minutes
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Performance Reviews That Build Loyalty

Employee performance evaluations are an essential factor in the development of employees and the growth of the company as it is an opportunity to identify an employee’s strengths and areas that need improvement. Yet most managers and employees alike dread them. Why? Because the evaluation often has the wrong focus – a focus of telling the employee what they must do to improve or why they are getting less th..

Preserving America’s Affordable Housing

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Preserving America’s Affordable Housing

State, local, governments and Public Housing Authorities play a major role in contributing to the preservation of affordable housing. This webinar will present policies and best practices for state, local governments, and public housing authorities to preserve affordable housing, Also, this webinar will discuss the preservation of subsidized housing in rural and urban areas of the country.Participants will ..

Preventing Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying in the Workplace: Today’s Climate Update for 2020 and Beyond

 Recorded Webinar
 120 Minutes
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Preventing Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying in the Workplace: Today’s Climate Update for 2020 and Beyond

This course is designed for all employees in your organization. It is intended to help employees learn how to behave appropriately in today’s workplace.It has become clear that complaints are being made and honored about behaviors that in the past had seemed “too mild” to worry about. Only egregious sexual misconduct was brought to the attention of those in charge. Not so anymore. Today, even the mildest fo..

Preventing Sexual and Other Harassment/Discrimination Claims

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Preventing Sexual and Other Harassment/Discrimination Claims

The laws have changed – as of January 1, 2020, any employer with five (5) or more employees MUST offer this type of training. Employees include part-time, interns whether paid or not, and some contractors. It also includes people working in other locations, such as at home. Every day we are learning about more harassing, bullying, and abusive behavior on the part of men (mostly men – some women) who have be..

Principles for Hiring Great People

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Principles for Hiring Great People

People are the primary resource and solution to all of your goals and dreams. It all starts with your ability to hire great people. The better you get at hire, the better everything turns out. You will learn critical elements, practices, and insights on how to hire the best people. Quality people will make your job easier, the organization better, and produce at a level of excellence most people only dream ..

Principles of a Shadow Payroll

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Principles of a Shadow Payroll

US companies are becoming more global each day, and many employers are faced with many challenges when a U.S. employee is working abroad or when a foreign national is working in the U.S. Many countries have changed tax laws in the last several years that make companies look for different ways to maintain international assignments. Since tax equalizations are not enough anymore to mitigate the risks that emp..

Proper Way to Terminate Employees with Performance Issues without Violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Proper Way to Terminate Employees with Performance Issues without Violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Employers have always avoided the termination either because it is not easy to terminate someone or because it can be difficult to defend any allegations of wrongful termination. Cases of wrongful termination have emerged and increased since the late 2000 year. Research has identified the following factors in this increase:   Employees more aware and knowledgeable of the workplace rightsEmplo..

Psychiatric Illnesses in the Workplace

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Psychiatric Illnesses in the Workplace

More and more people –often your employees suffer from mental illness. Whether this is a result of the environment or better diagnostic tools is open to question. Those with a mental illness often deny this fact and often try to hide it from employers. Such is often a result of fear of being terminated or to avoid the stigma often attached to mental illness. As a result, mental health disorders often g..

Reignite Recruiting: 9 Ways to Incorporate Diversity Strategies at Work

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Reignite Recruiting: 9 Ways to Incorporate Diversity Strategies at Work

The demographics of the workforce are changing and companies are struggling to keep up with the challenges that can be caused by ignoring this elephant in the room. Are you an employer of choice? If not, why not? From reputation management to recruiting to employee engagement, this workshop will help you identify the many areas in which your decision-making process is unintentionally impacted by bias, as we..

Resolving Workplace Conflict

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Resolving Workplace Conflict

Whether people sit and work side by side or have to collaborate from thousands of miles away, there will be misunderstandings, hurt feelings and conflict. In this course we are going to explore some of the multiple reasons for conflict and look at appropriate interventions and solutions to solve them. Some conflict is simple to resolve, just some understanding of the impact your behaviour has on other. Othe..

Respect in the Workplace

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Respect in the Workplace

In today's diverse workplace is a reflection of North American society at large. Often we see a wide range of behaviours that display a lack of respect and politeness, both inside and outside the workplace. Various polls and studies have highlighted that workers view impoliteness as a serious issue which must be dealt with. As the workforce becomes even more diverse than it is now, it is important that each..

Responding to EEOC Discrimination Charges

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Responding to EEOC Discrimination Charges

In Fiscal Year 2017, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received 84,254 discrimination cases. Think about it, we have 200 work days a year – so this equates to over 400 a day and 52 every hour. Sheer numbers indicate that it’s just a matter of time before a discrimination charge crosses your desk. Get the information you need NOW to be prepared.Your first reaction to receiving a charge of discrimin..

Showing 271 to 285 of 340 (23 Pages)