Legal Claims Arising From COVID-19: How to Prepare Like a Lawyer
Chris DeVany is the founder and president of Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide, a firm that focuses on management and organization development. Pinnacle’s clients include global organizations such as Visa International, Cadence Design Systems, Coca Cola, Sprint, Microsoft, Aviva Insurance, Schlumberger, and over 500 other organizations in 22 countries. He also has consulted with government agencies from the United States, the Royal Government of Saudi Arabia, Canada, the Cayman Islands, and the United Kingdom.
He has published numerous articles in the fields of surviving mergers and acquisitions, surviving change, project management, management, sales, team-building, leadership, ethics, customer service, diversity, and work-life balance, in publications ranging from ASTD/Performance In Practice to Customer Service Management. His book, “90 Days to a High-Performance Team”, published by McGraw Hill and often accompanied by in-person, facilitated instruction, has helped and continues to help thousands of executives, managers, and team leaders improve performance.
He has appeared hundreds of times on radio and television interview programs to discuss mergers and acquisitions (how to manage and survive them), project management, sales, customer service, effective workplace communication, management, handling rapid personal and organizational change, and other topical business issues. He has served or is currently serving as a board member of the International Association of Facilitators, Sales and Marketing Executives International, American Management Association, American Society of Training and Development, Institute of Management Consultants, American Society of Association Executives, Meeting Professionals International and National Speakers Association. Chris is an award-winning Toastmaster’s International Competition speaker. He recently participated in the Fortune 500 Annual Management Forum as a speaker, panelist, and seminar leader.
Chris has distinguished himself professionally by serving multiple corporations as manager and trainer of sales, operations, project management, IT, customer service, and marketing professionals. Included among those business leaders are Prudential Insurance, Sprint, BayBank (now part of Bank of America), US Health Care, and Marriott Corporation. He has assisted these organizations in mergers and acquisitions, facilitating post-merger and acquisition integration, developing project management, sales, customer service, and marketing strategies, organizing inbound and outbound call center programs, training and development of management and new hires, and fostering corporate growth through creative change and innovation initiatives.
Chris holds degrees in management studies and organizational behavior from Boston University. He has traveled to 22 countries and 47 states in the course of his career.
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In HR, we always hear "document, document, document." That directive is more necessary now than ever. When the COVID-19 danger passes, we will be left with a barrage of lawsuits for disability discrimination, HIPAA violations, invasion of privacy claims and many, many other allegations. hat employers interpret as "for the good of the order" is going to fly directly in the face of employees who feel they were singled out, were "accused" of COVID-19, were placed on FMLA or the Families First Act, or were ousted from employment. Employers need to be prepared to defend themselves against these claims.
The best way to defend as simple as “documenting" the day-to-day, but knowing how, and what, to document to maximize efficiency, efficacy, and success. This program will teach you how to analyze situations quickly, how to document events the right way, how to draft documents like a lawyer, and how to avoid the pitfalls that most employers fall into that cause them to lose. This program will quickly and easily improve your skills from just "documenting" to empowering you to help win your case and improve your skills for every purpose.
By learning four easy methods, you will improve every communication you make and every document you create. These four techniques, the POWERPOINT method, the FUNNEL method, the NATO’S DC method and the CIRAS method will enable you to become a better speaker, a more adept investigator, a more efficient and effective documenter, and an excellent and persuasive writer.
Areas Covered
- Speaking like a lawyer
o Using the POWERPOINT method - Investigating like a lawyer
o Learning the FUNNEL method - Documenting like a lawyer
o Using NATO’S DC method - Drafting like a lawyer
o Using the CIRAS method
Course Level - Basic/Fundamental
Who Should Attend
All HR organizations
Why Should You Attend
Lawsuits related to COVID-19 are expected to snowball exponentially as the courts and government agencies return to operation. So, how can employers start to prepare now for the deluge of claims anticipated in the near future? By preparing their documentation and underlying reasons just as a lawyer would. It is all too easy to forget to document reasons for furlough or disciplinary issues while in the midst of a pandemic, but those omissions will come back to haunt employers once the lawsuits are filed.
Topic Background
We know that the stigma and health information sharing related to COVID-19 is just starting to generate massive claims and lawsuits as related to discrimination and retaliation.