Three Key Steps To Build Your Resilience And Best Handle The Demands Of Today’s Workplace
  • CODE : BRIG-0004
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Once described as "Britain's most exciting woman executive under 40" by Business Age Magazine, Hilary trained as an engineer at the University of Cambridge before embarking on a corporate career with Rover Group, Whirlpool Europe, and Laird Group plc.

For the past 20 years, she has supported smaller businesses in improving performance and managing changes, including implementing new systems, instigating culture change programs, and integrating post-acquisition processes.

In the last seven years, Hilary has taken up triathlons, transforming herself from a low-grade amateur to a member of the Team GB Age Group team. She is the 2023 European Champion and a World Championships silver medallist, having overcome a major Achilles injury along the way.

Hilary has learned the importance of resilience in all her activities and how to effectively increase it. She is also an international, award-winning TEDx speaker.

In today's demanding work environment, building resilience is crucial for maintaining well-being and achieving success. Resilience enables you to navigate challenges, adapt to changes, and thrive under pressure. The program covers three key steps to help you build your resilience and handle workplace demands effectively:

1. Physical Condition, Nutrition, and Sleep – Look After Yourself

Taking care of your physical health is the foundation of resilience. Your body and mind are interconnected, and maintaining good physical health significantly impacts your mental well-being.

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to the signals your body sends you. When you're tired, rest. When you're hungry, eat nutritious foods. Ignoring these signals can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.
  • Prioritize Nutrition: Under pressure, it’s easy to skip meals or go for junk food. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is crucial for fueling your body and brain.
  • Ensure Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is critical for cognitive function, emotional regulation, and overall health. While it can be tempting to work late or through the night, this behavior is unsustainable in the long run.

By taking care of your physical health, you'll have more energy, better focus, and an improved ability to handle stress and challenges.

2. Build in Spare Capacity – Regain Control

Knowing how to regain control over your workload and time is essential for resilience. Being able to check and reset priorities, take incremental steps forward, and stay proactive helps manage stress and maintain a sense of control.

  • Review Priorities: Create a mind map with all your tasks and evaluate each one: Would the world stop if I didn’t do that? Who needs it, and by when? A ruthless review brings things into manageable focus.
  • Proactive Work Approach: Plan and organize your tasks. If you spend most of your time reacting to events, investigate the root causes. Be ruthless with activities that don't add value to your goals. Spend five minutes a day doing something to make tomorrow better.
  • Create Spare Capacity: Aim to create buffer time in your schedule for unexpected tasks or delays. This extra capacity helps you stay flexible and reduces stress when unforeseen challenges arise, and allows you to think about how to do things even better.

By managing your time effectively and staying proactive, you can maintain control over your workload and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

3. Get Good at Learning New Things – Adapt and Thrive

The ability to learn and adapt is a critical component of resilience. Embracing challenges and stepping out of your comfort zone can significantly enhance your resilience.

  • Seek Challenges: Actively seek new experiences and challenges that push you beyond your comfort zone. This practice builds confidence and develops a broader repertoire of skills.
  • Practice in Safe Environments: Start by challenging yourself in safe, low-risk environments. Gradually increase the difficulty of these challenges as you build confidence and competence.
  • Reflect and Learn: After each new experience, reflect on what you learned and how you can apply it in the future. This reflection solidifies your learning and prepares you for future challenges.
  • Build a Growth Mindset: Embrace a mindset that views challenges and failures as opportunities for growth. Ask yourself, "If I could do that, what else can I achieve?"

By continuously learning and adapting, you enhance your ability to handle new and unexpected challenges, making you more resilient in the face of change.

Learning Objectives

Discover how to:

  • Listen to your body and take care of yourself
  • Regain control when feeling overwhelmed
  • Build habits that help you stay in control
  • Use challenges to enhance your resilience

Who Should Attend

CEOs, COOs, VPs of Human Resources, Chief Learning Officers, Sales VPs, Directors,  Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners, Project Managers, Operation Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Staff Managers and Supervisors, individual contributors, and technical professionals.

Why Should You Attend

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing environment, change is inevitable, whether driven by technology, organizational restructuring, or market dynamics. Besides these professional challenges, employees often face difficult bosses or challenging co-workers. Add to this the personal pressures of home life, such as relationship issues or caregiving responsibilities, and it all amounts to significant stress.

Admitting you're struggling takes courage, but it might also feel like a risk to your career. So, how can you manage yourself and develop the skills and habits needed to navigate this world successfully? The answer lies in building mental and physical resilience a crucial life skill.

Resilience is the cornerstone of effective management and leadership. It equips you with the tools to handle stress and adversity. Those at the front lines of organizational change must maintain composure and performance under pressure. By learning resilience strategies, you can manage your stress, remain focused, and make clear-headed decisions during crises.

Moreover, resilient employees inspire their team members and co-workers to be more adaptable and proactive, fostering a positive workplace culture. This ripple effect leads to increased employee morale, reduced turnover, and a more collaborative and supportive environment.

Finally, developing resilience contributes to personal growth. It encourages self-reflection and continuous learning, helping employees build self-awareness and emotional intelligence. These qualities are essential for effective leadership and long-term career success.

In summary, attending this training will enable you to handle stress, foster positive workplace cultures, enhance your problem-solving abilities, and achieve personal growth. These benefits improve not only individual performance but also the overall health of teams and organizations.

Topic Background

Today's workplace is challenging: constant change driven by technology, reorganizations, or market shifts; potentially difficult co-workers; the pressure of hitting the ground running after a promotion; and managing personal issues at home.

Fortunately, there are ways to build your resilience and equip yourself to tackle these challenges effectively.

In this session, the instructor will share insights from her diverse career. Drawing from her early experiences in production management in the auto industry, her involvement in multiple projects with small businesses, and her remarkable transformation in the sporting world of triathlon from a low-grade amateur to a podium finisher at the World Championships - she will provide practical strategies and techniques to build resilience.

  • $160.00

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