Setting the New Director Up for Success - Onboarding
  • CODE : PAUD-0005
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Paul has 25 years of corporate secretarial, corporate governance and regulatory experience both in house and as a professional services consultant in the United Kingdom, Canada, Caribbean, and the Middle East. He has worked for KPMG LLP and PwC in leadership roles and served in senior in-house roles for several listed financial services companies. He has also provided governance services to Mid-Cap and Large-Cap companies in Europe, North and South America and the Caribbean region. Paul has worked extensively with a diverse range of boards and senior management teams on governance matters. His most recent corporate assignment was as Head of Corporate Governance at First Abu Dhabi Bank, the largest bank in the Gulf region, where he developed the Bank’s corporate governance framework, advised the Board and executive management on the new UAE Corporate Governance Regulations, refined the Bank’s management committee, and developed its international governance structure across twenty jurisdictions globally.

A certified life coach, group coach and certified emotional intelligence (EQ) assessor and practitioner, Paul founded Perfect Balance Consulting in 2021 (, providing governance solutions to small/mid-Cap organizations, group training across a variety of business solutions, board assessment and training, and one-to-one executive coaching to mid-senior level professionals with a focus on leadership and EQ. What drives Paul is the desire to influence people to develop new ways of thinking; not just become leaders; but leaders with empathy and compassion, who will always seek to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. EQ is a critical skill in the modern workplace, and mastering EQ is an essential requirement for professionals to support their personal brand and reputation to propel them to success.

Paul’s highly regarded book ‘EQ for the Governance Professional,’ explores the vast range of soft skills required of a successful governance practitioner. Paul is a Fellow of the Chartered Governance Institute of Canada (CGIC) and holds an LLB from Middlesex University (UK) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice from Leicester De Montfort University (UK).

Summary/Purpose: Whilst a constructive onboarding plan is theoretically straightforward to achieve, many organizations fail to realize its potential, impairing the director’s engagement and ability to make a meaningful contribution. The aim of this workshop is to take a practical approach to the onboarding process, explaining the steps involved, the timing, the documents to be supplied and provide ideas for continuing professional development. There are several stakeholders involved in the onboarding process, and the role of each is considered. Usually, the company secretary will have a key coordination role, and their role in onboarding is explored in abundance.  

Content: We consider the problems that can arise when onboarding is absent or defective and how it can impair the performance and mindset of the new director and contrast that with an effective plan that can set the director up for success. Understanding why we carry out onboarding is important, but how do we do it to achieve maximum effect? Many organizations fail in this regard, whether due to lack of expertise, resources or an environment that does not support development.  This workshop is a comprehensive guide to the how to. While each organization is different, the principles and practices you learn here can be applied to any organization in any sector. It sets the director up to be a leader. We look at the broad areas to be covered and the key stakeholders in the process, and what type of information the director should be furnished with at the start of his tenure. However, we also recognize that onboarding is a continuing process and unique to the individual, so we provide tips on mentoring and continuing professional development. If you are a new director just about to start a new assignment, you need to attend this course, so you can advocate for yourself and insist on an effective onboarding plan that positions you for success. The organization will have made a significant investment to recruit you. Effective onboarding is good leadership, but it is also common sense.

Outcomes and Benefits:  As a participant you will walk away with the knowledge and practical tools you can use to confidently visualize the creation and facilitation of a successful onboarding plan for the next incoming director and set them up for success. Also, you will walk away with a comprehensive onboarding checklist that is worth the registration fee alone!

Areas Covered

  • The Dangers of No Onboarding
  • The Purpose and Benefits of Onboarding
  • Broad Areas to be Covered in Onboarding Plan
  • When and How the Onboarding Plan is Conducted
  • Meetings With Key Stakeholders
  • The Corporate Secretary’s Role
  • Developing a Board Handbook
  • The Importance of Mentoring
  • Using Technology to Support Onboarding
  • Continuing Professional Development

Who Should Attend    

Corporate Board Directors, Board Chair, CEO, C-Level Executives, Corporate Governance/Risk/Compliance Professionals, Board Secretary, Corporate Secretary.

Why Should You Attend

A key factor for building high-functioning boards with the ability to lead successful organizations is for the board to have the right systems, processes, and people in place. This framework should be designed to empower individual board members as technical experts to collaborate, challenge each other, and add rigour to the decision-making process.

New board members will wish to contribute to the organization as quickly as possible. An effective onboarding process is a key factor in enabling directors to be integrated into the board in a timely fashion, providing them with the information and support they need to contribute their expertise quickly and effectively in the boardroom.

The problem with failing to onboard directors effectively is that it sends the wrong message. First impressions count. The organization gives the impression that it does not care about the director, which can create a negative mindset, but it also creates systemic problems. The new director is not given the tools and information to succeed in the job which will adversely impact their performance and motivation, wasting the investment the organization made in recruiting the director.

An effective onboarding process helps new directors understand the organization, the environment in which it operates, including its risk profile, and their role in contributing to the success of the organization. The plan provides ongoing support that will equip the new director with the tools and confidence to provide effective oversight.

Topic Background

Strategies for ensuring that your new director gets off to the best possible start and is positioned for long term sustainable success as a director.

  • $200.00

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