An Accountable Culture. What Is It? How Is It Best Implemented?
  • CODE : JUDY-0010
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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For over 20 years, Judy Ryan has been CEO of Life Work Systems and a recognized thought leader on workplace culture transformation that impacts engagement and performance for exceptional outcomes. She is an award-winning Author, Columnist, System Developer, Consultant, Trainer, Keynote Speaker and is frequently interviewed on TV, radio, and podcasts. Since 2002, Judy has been leading innovative methods to favorably impact the most important aspect of any organization: its people. She has created a digital, scalable culture transformation system and implementation framework. Judy’s purpose is to create a world in which all people love their lives. One of her primary visions is to fulfill her purpose in partnership with like-minded, like-hearted, and innovative thought leaders and change agents worldwide.

People are your greatest asset. Too often there is a lack of commitment to, practice, and performance of, professional common behaviors - an absence of highly communicated, consistent expectations - without which there are no supports upon which a successful organization can be confidently actualized.

Knowing how to offer a compelling and uniquely supportive culture is key to attracting, developing, and keeping the best talent, building upon their strengths, and fully expanding their human potential. Participants learn a proven model, process, implementation, and systems integration for creating a healthy organizational culture, including what and why emotional and social intelligence and personal responsibility incorporated within your operations, are required for success.

Areas Covered

  • A Responsibility-Based Culture and Why It Matters?
  • Challenges are Addressed at the Causal Level
  • The New Role and Distribution of Leadership Development
  • An Implementation for Consistent, Scalable, Sustainable Change

Who Should Attend

This webinar most benefits:

  • Leaders who understand the need for, and seek to create, a high-performing, responsibility-based organizational culture because they know it is required in order to empower people to be exceptional, engaged, agile and resilient.
  • Leaders who want to know how to implement a healthy culture model, distribute it properly, consistently and sustainably, and retain knowledge and new practices through an initial immersive process, and systems integration, all within an organizational community committed to shared responsibility.
  • Leaders who recognize the importance of a healthy culture to meet today’s trends and challenges that require people transformation that fosters emotional intelligence, innovation, trust, and resilience, so that the environment produces mental health and wellness, and fully engaged, collaborative people.
  • Leaders who understand that now more than ever, due to complexity, globalization, changing technology, and speed of change, all people within an organization need to be agile in leading and following as needs dictate, flexing without waiting to be told what to do. They know people must gain strong critical thinking skills and replace algorithmic formulaic thinking with heuristic thinking because they must often create on the fly, and respond from crucial internal motivation.
  • VP and C-Suite Executives, Directors (Operations, HR, DEI, Technology, Agile or Digital Transformation)
  • Leaders in Corporate, Education, Government, Non-Profit, Society, etc.  (Where the development of people is a priority)
  • Leaders Involved in Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Supervisors, Managers and Team Leads

Why Should You Attend

You know the importance of an engaged workforce and recognize an effective approach versus something that makes the situation worse. Here is the daunting task

How do you train, instill, and create an engaged workforce process across a group of people of any size? How do you manage, tens, hundreds, or thousands of people, across different shifts, in different locations, and get them all engaged in a common set of concepts, tools and professional behaviors that impact how they treat each other and those they serve?

This requires more than a one-time training session, campaign or a management mandate….it requires a way of life inside of organizations that becomes instilled into each and every person. This then naturally permeates the organization, and each person becomes self-governing and self-motivated regardless of whether the CEO, senior team, or managers are there or not. You cannot be everywhere at all times. You should not have to spend your time policing or managing people. You should be able to support them in managing themselves so you can go about the business of growing a thriving enterprise. To have an engaged team takes a process that involves everyone. Then each does the right thing even when no one is looking.

This is a daunting task; cultivating responsible, fully engaged people. You likely know this and how it impacts your productivity and profitability, yet you may have no way of knowing how to pull it off, well, and sustainably. You should attend this webinar if you suspect or even understand there are better ways to operate and ensure a healthy culture, but feel the totality of understanding what, why, and how would benefit you in meeting your future.

  • $200.00

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