Moving from Reactive to Proactive Leadership
  • CODE : JOSI-0002
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Joanne (Jo) Sigurdson holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) Degree and uses her over 30 years of experience in leading and building organizations to mentor and coach Executives and Leaders of growth organizations. Working with companies ranging in sales volume of $1M to $300 Million, Joanne has helped them grow their leadership knowledge and skills and take their organizations to new heights in both sales volume and team effectiveness. As a leadership coach, Joanne also speaks across Canada and writes on key elements of successful leadership development.

This topic is about leadership in today’s fast-paced business environment or any organization where effective, accountable leadership matters. It is about learning to move from a typical style of leadership which involves reacting to situations and changes rather than anticipating, planning and organizing for them.

Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges will continue to arise in the leadership of any organization of any significant size and these cannot be effectively acted upon if the leader is in reactive mode. Leaders who operate in reactive mode tend to make poorer decisions and face consequences of ill-conceived plans rather perform in a proactive manner that plans for the future.

Learning how to become a proactive leader means intentionally moving away from the reactive style and learning how to take control of your future and be ready for opportunities and challenges as they occur. It involves working toward and developing a style that moves the organization forward in a state of readiness and anticipation, rather than being oriented in the past.

Forward-thinking leadership is a critical component for success in the business environment of today. To lead effectively one must be able to become a visionary and learn how to use the wealth of data available to project the future and strategize and plan to maximize opportunities before they disappear.

Understanding the characteristics of a proactive leader and what differentiates them from reactive leadership if often difficult to determine, however, there are core qualities that can be learned and developed to move from one mode of operation to the other. For example, becoming a better visionary leaders means learning to think long-term and stepping away from the day to day to projects in order to focus on the future state you are working toward.

The ability to become a proactive leader means that you will inspire others and provide a “safe“ work environment where your people will be confident that you will not only support them but also allow them to be innovative, take calculated risks, and be the best they can be. Your reward will be a team of dedicated people who will help lead the organization to success!

Learning Objectives

  • Reactive Leadership Pitfalls and Risks
  • Why Proactive Leadership is Critical for success
  • Understanding proactive leadership
  • Characteristics of the proactive leader
  • Making proactivity in your leadership style intentional
  • Proactive Leadership Principles
  • Transitioning from reactive to proactive
  • Short and long-term benefits of proactive leadership

Course Level - Intermediate to Advanced

Who Should Attend

Anyone who is in a leadership position in an organization who is responsible for 1-500 employees and the achievement of stakeholder expectations. e.g. CEO’s, CFO’s, CTO’s, COO’s, all C Suite leaders, Executive Directors, Managers, Presidents and Principals of companies

Why Should You Attend

The fast pace of today’s world requires leadership that is forward thinking and can anticipate the future, rather than react to the present. This seminar will help leaders learn the difference between reactive and proactive leadership and why thinking and working ahead of the curve is so critical to success.

Many leaders get caught in the reactive mode and cannot move beyond this in order to truly lead their organizations. They lead by managing problems and reacting to situations which are often crises and urgencies which all lead to additional stress on them and their people.

Leaders themselves often spend an inordinate amount of time online, trying to multitask and constantly reacting to the environment around them….so that they are not even truly present for their people. They are reacting instead of acting.

This webinar will help you understand how to move from reactivity to proactivity so that you become more in control of your own future and those whom you lead….as well as your organization’s success. You will learn how to anticipate and initiate change and the future needs of your company so that you can plan, strategize, and organize for it…and to be in control rather than be controlled.

Topic Background

A very timely topic for busy leaders’ in today’s fast-paced work environment where accountability and results matter. Relevant for any size of organization where effective leadership is desired.

  • $200.00

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