Cold Calling Strategies, Tactics and Techniques
  • CODE : JORO-0003
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Joe Rosner starting selling greeting cards door to door at age 11. In his teens, he started and ran a successful lawn mowing business. Joe has invested a great deal of time and money obtaining sales expertise from top sales gurus including Steve Shiffman, Dale Carnegie, Jeffery Gitomer, Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, Zig Ziglar, David Sandler and Ben Franklin. He has read hundreds, if not thousands, of sales success books. And he then applied what these top experts teach in real life sales situations. In the sales role for a predecessor of what would eventually become Kenex, an IBM company, he sold to prospects from the boardroom to the loading dock. He has successfully has sold a variety or services and products to large and small business organizations, as well as to consumers. Joe has provided sales training at local colleges, for human resources organizations and for individual clients in industrial equipment, insurance, healthcare and more.

Building your cold calling skills will enable you to:

  • Gain an advantage over the competition.
  • Find new business opportunities.
  • Become an indispensable employee who gets new business.
  • Compete with existing vendors for lucrative customers.
  • Establish rewarding relationships and gain respect.
  • Become an entrepreneur.
  • Cold calling ability allows you to determine and take control of your own future.

You may have been told cold calling is a numbers game and that’s true. But the numbers are just variables in a formula which you may have greater control of than you may know. For example: If you called one million people and merely asked, “Do you want to buy my product or service”, would you make any sales? The math says, with one million as your denominator, you will as long as your divisor is bigger than one in a million. (You’d also be exhausted.

What if you asked, “Would you like to buy my really great product or service at a terrific price?” You’d make more sales, right? What changed? You improved your results (devisor) with a better technique. In this “Cold Calling Strategies, Tactics and Techniques” you’ll learn new ways (And be reminded of good cold calling ideas you used to know.) to find new prospects, get through to them and get more yes’s when you do.

If you think nobody like to make cold calls you’re wrong. And we can prove it. Suppose you knew absolutely for sure that for a specific, magical period of time, say Tuesdays from 9 AM to noon, 100% of your cold calls would result in appointments or sales if you sell over the phone? Would you like cold calling then? Well, what if it got you these results only 90% of the time? Or 80%, 70% , 50%? Even if it was only 20% that would still be pretty good, wouldn’t it? If you only phoned 25 new prospects a day that would equal five new prospects or customers. Would you like those results? Would you make sure you always had your Tuesday mornings set aside for cold calling? The good news is that the 20% or better is achievable and it can be anytime you like. If you take the time to learn and practice proven strategies, tactics and techniques for cold calling.

Learning Objectives

After attending this webinar you will be able to

  • Identify and find new prospects.
  • Get more voicemails returned.
  • Get past gatekeepers.
  • Build rapport with prospects faster.
  • Get more appointments.
  • Handle objections, brush-offs, and stalls
  • Manage your time and attitude.

Who Should Attend

Sale people and managers.

  • $200.00

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