Sales in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
  • CODE : RIDE-0003
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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The R Shawn McBride is a corporate lawyer licensed in 12 states and Washington, DC and is a CPA licensed in 3 states. He heads The R. Shawn McBride Law Firm, PLLC, a corporate law boutique and McBride For Business, LCC a business strategy firm where he is often called upon to speak or consult on the future of business. He is the author of Business Blunders which showcases common business mistakes to avoid and three other books.

He is also the host of The Future Done Right™ Show on YouTube where he interviews guests from around the work on the dynamics of the future of business and the changes business owners might anticipate. His passion is helping business owners build and execute business plans that enable them to live the lives of their dreams. He believes the key to successful business plans - and lives - is embracing strengths and uniqueness.

His extensive experience in the sales arena comes from running his multiple businesses and being called upon repeatedly to help sales organizations increase their sales results. If you are wondering about the name, after using the name “R. Shawn McBride” to differentiate himself from the other speakers named “Shawn McBride” some of his audience members started calling him “Our Shawn McBride” and given Shawn’s passion for uniqueness in business the name stuck.

There's no doubt that the sales world is undergoing change. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are already in place in today's leading organizations. And it's no doubt that every boardroom (and maybe many watercooler chats at other levels) is talking about how to use technology effectively to sell more.

This means changes for sales personnel and sales teams. The old ways of selling are going to be adjusted and be integrated into a new world of artificial intelligence. The technology rollout promises to be so disruptive and different that we have no choice but to change to remain effective and relevant in light of the technology. Those that don’t change face a high likelihood of being irrelevant.

Things that were unheard of just a few years ago such as chatbots, sales automation, and machine learning on effective sales copy are now mainstream technology. More and more companies are coming to use these technologies on a daily basis. For the sales professional this means a new reality. It means that what they did in the past may not be good enough. Competition has been enhanced and it is now necessary to do more and do things differently in order to remain relevant in the sales world.

However, it would be a mistake to think that artificial intelligence will completely replace all sales professionals. On the contrary, it will be a great opportunity for sales professionals to grow and excel in this new world. In fact, it is the hosts' opinion it's some sales professionals will actually grow and expand their influence and have even more opportunities in the world of artificial intelligence.

So what will artificial intelligence mean to sales? How will things change? And what should be done now to get ready for the future? These seem like simple questions but they can be difficult to answer. This program will explore what is happening in artificial intelligence and sales. It’ll go beyond today and start looking at tomorrow and what tomorrow's sales world may look like. Importantly the program will also cover what to do now to start getting ready for tomorrow and the new world that is coming to us.

This program has been designed for all people who are connected with the sales world. That maybe leadership teams such as Boards of Directors, chief executive officers, vice-president of subdivisions where sales are a critical part of the function, sales managers, and sales personnel. All of these individuals can benefit from knowing about the future of artificial intelligence in sales.

Let's face it, competitors, in the marketplace are going to embrace the new technology it is a given. They are testing and trying the very things that are happening right now. And like any disruptive technology new winners and losers will be determined by the appropriate usage of this technology and its implementation. Set yourself up for the future and prepare yourself in your teams for the future by being part of this program and learning today what you can start doing now for the future.

Areas Covered

  • Future of artificial intelligence
  • Artificial intelligence in sales
  • Sales teams
  • Effective Selling
  • The future of sales

Course Level - Basic to Intermediate

Who Should Attend

  • Boards of Directors
  • chief executive officers
  • vice-president of subdivisions where sales are a critical part of the function sales managers
  • sales personnel

Why Should You Attend

Artificial intelligence is coming to the sales World. More and more sales functions are being automated leading to changes to the staffing and use of sales professionals. What do the roll-out of sales bots, automated messages, and automated order processing mean to the future of sales? All present challenges and a potential loss of employment and use of sales professionals. But they also create new opportunities.

And what opportunities are presented by artificial intelligence? How can a sales professional actually excel in this new world rather than be a victim of technology rollout? If you're worried about losing your job or how to stay relevant this session will have valuable information for you about how to change and build and evolve in this new era of artificial intelligence in the sales world.

If you have any doubt that you can make it in the new sales world this program will help you show how you can make it how you can be relevant. If you were uncertain about how you will succeed in the new world and what your career might look like the seminar will help. If you are afraid that you'll be replaced by automation other tools this program will show you how to stay relevant and what you should be doing now in order to avoid if you are elements in the sales world.

FB victim of technology and you don't have to watch your job you're limited with your income decrease. This program will show you how to be more and more relevant to the future of the sales world where things will be really different than they are today.

  • $200.00

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