Stopping Anxiety by Making Good Decisions
  • CODE : STBR-0009
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Refer a Friend

Steve Brookes and his business partner, Serena Ittoo, work to help women and professionals with overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety, self-doubt and stress eliminate the root cause holding them back, enabling them to live a life they love. Steve and Serena support this transformation by providing the tools needed to help work through their emotions and develop rock solid confidence in who they authentically are.

Steve and Serena are both Master NLP Practitioners and through their business, Expressing Your Authentic Self, they specialize in (all areas relating to) self-confidence and self-esteem, and guide clients to embrace, explore and be excited to show who they are with confidence! Steve and Serena help clients to reawaken The Confident Version of Themselves so they can begin to speak up and live and breathe the confidence they need to obtain the life they really want

This is further supported by the skills, knowledge and awareness Steve has gained through his own struggles and journey in life. This has helped Steve to firstly change his life for the better as he’s become more confident, developed more skills and become more effective in his life and growing his business, helping more clients to transform their lives.

High levels of unhealthy anxiety can really interfere with your life. It can make it difficult for you to handle your job or school responsibilities, do daily tasks, concentrate, and establish and maintain personal relationships. It might even make it difficult for you to leave your home or get out of bed.

Anxiety may show itself with intrusive thoughts or concerns and through images you see, big, small, dark, bright, 3D, or 2D, anxiety may be heard through sounds that you may hear, your own voice, the voice, tone, volume of other people and anxiety may also be felt, through the weight of feelings you feel in a part of or over your entire body.

How many days has this happened and how many days did you fail to get through the day? The point is it’s highly likely you got through every day like this. Sometimes it’s important to realise emotions like trees losing their leaves, is temporary and change and better days will come… please do feel free to share your experiences, thank you very much for your honesty and have a blessed day.

For example, “Can you remember a time when you felt so anxious you thought you wouldn’t get through the day at work?”

“What is your average level of anxiety in the workplace?” Now one environment where anxiety may become an issue is in the workplace. Research indicates that a significant number of people are suffering from workplace stress, women more than men too! In America alone, almost 40 million people are diagnosed with anxiety and depression brought along by stress. When it becomes chronic, it can be overwhelming and harmful to your physical and mental health. Obviously, this isn’t good for employees or businesses. It harms productivity, work quality, work and personal relationships, well-being and ultimately business success!

This webinar is going to be about making good decisions to undertake activities, behaviours or actions to ease your anxiety.

If you rate your anxiety a 7 out of 10 or more on a regular day-to-day basis, this webinar is most definitely for you!

Areas Covered

  • Examples of good decisions you can take to ease your anxiety include: Developing the awareness to notice unhelpful thoughts, feelings and emotions can pass and better days will come!
  • Realising that anxiety holding you back is not you. This is something moving through you. It can leave out of the same door it came in.
  • Slowing down anxiety and overwhelm
  • Building a mindset to look after yourself to ease anxiety!
  • Creating more focus, purpose and balance in your life

Who Should Attend

Anyone who feels your anxiety is overwhelming, you feel stuck and you’re struggling to make any good decisions to find your way out of those unhelpful thoughts, and emotions and to take action to move forward.

Why Should You Attend

Anxiety is a person’s response to stress and is typically characterized by a feeling of dread, worry, or even panic attacks. In small doses, stress and anxiety are a normal part of neurological functioning. It can help us to handle difficult situations more effectively and perform better. But when these feelings become persistent or overwhelming, anxiety becomes detrimental.

  • Anxiety is an emotion characterized by tension, worried thoughts, and physical characteristics, such as increased blood pressure.
  • We all experience anxiety at some point in our lives – it can be argued we all have anxiety but at varying degrees. Some of us have this at a degree we can manage and some of us may have this at a degree where we need additional help.

Some anxiety is good for us, this can warn us of real danger, so for example we don’t walk off a cliff or don’t walk in front of vehicles on a road! It’s when the anxiety levels become high and unhealthy that doesn’t represent reality and is not a real danger, that this starts to hold us back.

High levels of unhealthy anxiety can really interfere with your life. It can make it difficult for you to handle your job or school responsibilities, do daily tasks, concentrate, and establish and maintain personal relationships. It might even make it difficult for you to leave your home or get out of bed.

If you feel your anxiety is overwhelming, you feel stuck and you’re struggling to find your way out of those unhelpful thoughts, emotions and to make those decisions/ take action to move forwards, then this webinar is for you!

This webinar is going to be about making good decisions to undertake activities, behaviours or actions to ease your anxiety.

  • $200.00

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