Unleash Your Inner Genius: Mastering the Power of Your Three Brains
  • CODE : HAFN-0005
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Claudina Hafenscher is a transformative Holistic Empowerment Coach and mBIT Master Coach, renowned for her ability to guide individuals towards lives of fulfilment and purpose. With over 25 years of experience, Claudina has honed her expertise in empowering individuals, educators, and corporate leaders to overcome challenges and achieve lasting transformation.

As a seasoned pianist and organist, Claudina's passion for personal growth and transformation extends far beyond the realm of music. Her holistic approach recognizes the intricate interplay of mind, body, and spirit, and her mBIT Master Coach certification enables her to delve deep into the complexities of an individual's psychology, uncovering hidden strengths and patterns. By integrating Educational Kinesiology and somatic coaching, Claudina creates personalized roadmaps to balance, resilience, and well-being.
Having overcome her own mental health challenges, Claudina brings a profound empathy and understanding to her coaching practice. Her firsthand experience empowers her to offer compassionate support and practical strategies for navigating life's complexities. Claudina is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their potential, heal from past wounds, and cultivate a thriving future. Her coaching style is characterized by a blend of expertise, compassion, and a steadfast belief in human resilience.

Claudina's unique ability to translate complex musical concepts into relatable life lessons makes her a compelling and engaging speaker. She is dedicated to helping others unlock their inner potential and create a harmonious life.

For centuries, ancient philosophies and spiritual practices have recognized the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. From the yogic traditions of India to the Zen Buddhism of East Asia, sages and mystics have explored the intricate relationship between our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. These ancient teachings often emphasized the importance of cultivating harmony and balance among these elements to achieve a state of well-being and enlightenment.

In recent decades, the field of neuroscience has emerged as a powerful tool for understanding the workings of the human mind. Through advanced imaging techniques and scientific research, neuroscientists have uncovered the complex neural networks that underlie our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. These findings have confirmed many of the insights gained from ancient wisdom, revealing the interconnectedness of our cognitive, emotional, and intuitive processes.

Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka are the primary developers of mBraining. They conducted extensive research, drawing from neuroscience, psychology, and ancient wisdom, to create this framework for understanding and harnessing the power of our multiple brains.   

mBraining bridges the gap between these two realms, drawing upon the wisdom of ancient traditions while grounding them in the scientific understanding of modern neuroscience. By recognizing that we possess three distinct "brains" - the head, heart, and gut - mBraining emphasizes the importance of integrating these different aspects of our being.

Consider the experience of a seasoned athlete. When faced with a challenging situation on the field, they often rely on a combination of conscious thought, emotional intuition, and physical sensations. The head brain, responsible for rational thought and analysis, helps them assess the situation and develop a strategy. The heart's brain, connected to emotions and intuition, provides a sense of inspiration and motivation. The gut-brain, linked to physical sensations and survival instincts, helps them react quickly and instinctively to changing circumstances.

By understanding the interconnectedness of these three brains, athletes can learn to harness the power of each to achieve peak performance. Similarly, in everyday life, we can benefit from integrating our head, heart, and gut brains to make better decisions, manage our emotions more effectively, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being.

mBraining offers a practical framework for achieving this integration. Through mindfulness practices, meditation, and other techniques, we can learn to cultivate awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. By understanding how these different aspects of our being interact, we can develop the skills to align them and work together harmoniously.

In conclusion, mBraining provides a valuable bridge between ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience. By recognizing the interconnectedness of our mind, body, and spirit, and learning to integrate our three brains, we can unlock our full potential and live more fulfilling lives.

Areas Covered  

  • Introduction to the Three Brains and their roles
  • The convergence of ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience
  • Core principles of mBIT
  • Practical mBIT exercises and tools
  • Case studies and real-world applications
  • Q&A session

Who Should Attend

  • Individuals seeking personal growth and development
  • Leaders and managers looking to enhance their leadership skills
  • Professionals aiming to improve decision-making and problem-solving
  • Anyone interested in understanding the mind-body connection

Why Should You Attend

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of modern life? Struggling to make effective decisions? Limited by your own self-doubt? mBraining offers a powerful solution to these challenges. By understanding and harnessing the power of your three brains, you can overcome fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and unlock your true potential.

Imagine a world where you can make decisions with clarity and confidence, harness your creativity to solve complex problems and cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships. mBraining can help you achieve all of this and more.

By attending this webinar, you will:

  • Discover the Hidden Power of Your Three Brains: Learn about the unique functions of your head, heart, and gut brains, and how to harness their combined power.
  • Unleash Your Inner Potential: Tap into the wisdom of your ancestors and the insights of modern neuroscience to unlock your full potential.
  • Master the Art of Decision-Making: Learn to make informed and intuitive choices that align with your values and goals.
  • Enhance Your Creativity and Innovation: Discover how to spark your creativity and generate innovative solutions to challenges.
  • Cultivate Deeper Relationships: Develop stronger connections with others by understanding and managing your emotions more effectively.
  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Learn to reduce stress and anxiety by aligning your head, heart, and gut brains.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life and unlock your true potential. Register now for our mBraining webinar and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Topic Background    

The Convergence of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Neuroscience: mBraining bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and scientific understanding. For centuries, ancient philosophies and spiritual practices have recognized the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Modern neuroscience has provided a scientific foundation for these concepts, revealing the complex interplay of our cognitive, emotional, and intuitive processes.

  • $160.00

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