Excel Pivot Tables For HR Professionals
  • CODE : MBEL-0005
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Melissa Esquibel began her career in audit and data security at a time when systems and hardware were kept in tightly secured boxes, and IT gatekeepers doled out functionality within a rigid systems architecture. Now, in the present, where end-users know how to access the power of technology independently and according to the agile timelines they require, this push and pull has created quite a mess in many organizations. With her unique experience as the conduit between the gatekeepers and the gate Stormers, she offers a unique perspective as “bridge-builder” in training programs designed to make sense of new productivity platforms, like Office 365 and G Suite and ensure effectively implementations.

We’ll begin by understanding what exactly a Pivot Table is and why they’re so popular! You’ll learn how your data should be set up in order to take advantage of this and other Excel tools. You’ll even learn some valuable clean-up steps that turn data that’s not ideal into data that can support key decisions, become the infrastructure for dashboards, and answer questions in a snap. Once we go through the basic steps to create a Pivot Table, we’ll move on to implementing simple interactive elements to dice and slice your data to get exactly the perspective you need.

Pivot Tables are one of the most powerful tools in the Microsoft Office platform. And they’re easier to use than you think.

Areas Covered    

  • Data structure best practices
  • Straightening out less than ideal data
  • Table-style formatting
  • Creating Pivot Tables
  • Slicers
  • Report Filters
  • Sorting and Filtering pivoted data
  • Creating Pivot Charts
  • Why data refresh can be confusing

Course Level - Intermediate

Who Should Attend   

  • HR Analysis
  • HR Managers
  • Benefits and Compensation Specialists
  • Recruiters
  • Human Capital Specialists
  • Payroll Analysis
  • Payroll Administrators
  • Starting a dashboard

Why Should You Attend

Your HR data has a lot to tell you. But, do you know how to get it to talk? Pivot Tables! Stop making copies of data, then sorting, filtering,copying and pasting until you wonder whether the data you’re making decisions with is really right? You’ll also have the confidence to analyze pivot tables that others create and know whether the information they’re providing has integrity. Don’t worry if your Excel skills don’t rise to the advanced level, Pivot Tables are simple to create. In just a few clicks you’ll be able to ask your data questions and get answers quickly.

  • $200.00

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