PK/PD Studies in Drug Discovery and Development
  • CODE : STEF-0008
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Dr. Stefano Persiani is currently Director of Translational Sciences and Pharmacokinetics at Rottapharm Biotech, Italy. He graduated in Pharmacy at the University of Milan, Italy and completed a Post-Doctoral fellowship in the Department of Pathology of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, and later as a Research Associate in the Department of Pharmaceutics of the University of Southern California, School of Pharmacy in Los Angeles, California, USA. After these academic positions, he entered the pharmaceutical industry at Farmitalia Carlo Erba, Pharmacia, Upjohn, and Zambon Group and in the CRO sector as Scientific Director for Clinical Pharmacology. Dr. Persiani in his current role applies translational approaches from drug discovery to development and registration in several therapeutic areas. Dr. Persiani is a member of various international scientific societies and serves on the review board of numerous professional journals. Dr. Persiani acts as an external expert evaluator for the European Commission on the 7th Framework Program, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, HORIZON 2020, and Innovative Medicine Initiative. Dr. Persiani is also an expert evaluator for La Caixa Foundation where he evaluates and provides recommendations to the bank on applications requesting funding. Dr. Persiani is a faculty of Pharmaceutical Training International and where he provides training to pharmaceutical executives in several fields of Translational Sciences.

The webinar reviews the general concepts and basic elements of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and their correlation. The use of PK/PD for dose selection during drug development will be described also with the presentation of a case study. The use of PK/PD will be described for the evaluation of both drug efficacy and safety. This will illustrate how the model-based drug development and, in particular, PK/PD studies, can facilitate knowledge management and decision making to streamline drug discovery and development and to reduce the attrition rate.

Areas Covered

  • Absorption
  • Distribution
  • Metabolism
  • Excretion
  • Drug action
  • Dose-response relationship
  • Selectivity
  • Therapeutic window
  • Biomarkers
  • Variation in response
  • Hysteresis
  • Case study

Course Level - Basic

Who Should Attend

  • Project Managers
  • Pre-clinical and Clinical Pharmacologists
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Clinical Research Associates
  • Drug Discovery Scientists

Why Should You Attend

PK/PD studies construct, validate, and utilize disease models, drug exposure-response models, and pharmacometrics models to facilitate drug development. PK/PD studies offer great support to learn and confirm the key characteristics of new molecular entities in a quantitative manner. This provides evidence for optimizing drug development plans and enabling critical decision-making. Drug development without PK/PD modeling is considered at a higher risk of failure.

  • $200.00

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