Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs): How to Deal with Common Issues for Filing
  • CODE : JUST-0028
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Justin brings over 20 years of wide-arranging experience in compliance, training and regulations. He has previously worked in the Head of Compliance Training function for Macquarie Group, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of China, and GRC Solutions. Justin also runs his own Compliance Training  company focusing on US & International regulations.

Justin also worked for FINRA, a US regulator, where he created Examiner University to train examiners on how to perform their function. He also serves as an advisor for the Global Compliance Institute (GCI) and instructs at the Barret School of Business and various compliance training providers.

Under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), there are reporting obligations for financial institutions doing business in the US. A currency transaction report is one of those obligations. A CTR must be filled out whenever a customer conducts a currency transaction over $10,000. There are some exemptions which we will go over as well. Remember with CTRs, it is a form we file to help prevent money laundering,

We are going to work through a CTR, address common issues, build our reference library, and go over some real-life examples.

Areas Covered

  • Introduction to CTRs
  • Our reference library
  • Recent guidance from FinCEN and other regulatory agencies
  • Walking through the CTR with real-life examples
  • Discussion on common issues and how to deal with them!
  • Tips and other thoughts

Who Should Attend    

  • Staff members who are responsible for completing and/or reviewing CTRs
  • Managers who oversee the filing of CTRs

Why Should You Attend

Think about all that time you are spending on CTRs dealing with "common" issues. What if we can alleviate those concerns and help you build a reference library? That's what we are going to do during this training.

CTRs are required to be filed out by financial institutions (other industries too!) for any type of transaction conducted over $10,000. To determine if a CTR is required is the simple part. Filing out the form requires you to have certain knowledge of your customer. Most of this information was obtained during the onboarding process. This is one part of the equation; The next part is understanding the financial transaction that occurred. That means knowing the conductor, where the money was deposited, whether an armored car was involved, and a lot more. We will discuss this and more during the webinar and also, other common issues that occur and ways to deal with them.

  • $200.00

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