Behavioral Interviewing for Managers
  • CODE : AUDR-0078
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : All
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Audrey Halpern is a soft skills training facilitator consultant with 20+ years of experience. She has a background in human resources, as well as in instructional design.. Audrey’s is currently a  faculty member of American Management Association where she trains communication skills.

Behavioral-based interviewing allows you to see patterns that are often missed when people are answering basic questions. You can get past what a candidate says and focus on how they respond. Using different types of interview questions will help you determine which people are best suited to fill positions in your organization.

During this webinar, you will learn why using competency behavioral-based questions is a best practice. You will learn how to write and use such questions for interviewing applicants for job positions and cultural fits for teams.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to differentiate between traditional and behavioral-based interview methods
  • Learn the definition of Competencies and how to use them in the interview process
  • Learn how to write and use Competency Behavioral Based
  • Interview Questions
  • Learn how to determine if an interview question is acceptable or unacceptable

Who Should Attend

Hiring Managers, Interviewers, Human Resources, Managers.

Topic Background  

According to a three-year study conducted by Washington, D.C.-based Leadership IQ, nearly half of the 20,000 new hires it tracked had failed within their first 18 months on the job. That wasn't because managers hadn't correctly ascertained their skill set instead in the great majority of cases what was missing was an attitudinal fit. The key to a successful interview is asking the right questions. Interviews provide you with the opportunity to learn more about a person than his or her resume provides. But you can’t always know about attitudes. These are the precise intangible assets that are the key definers of corporate culture.

You can change skills through training but you can’t change attitude.

  • $160.00

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