Coaching Works
  • CODE : SAND-0007
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Refer a Friend

Sandra Crowe, MA, PCC, the author of Since Strangling Isn't an Option.... (Perigee,’99, ‘08), and “I Didn’t Sign Up for This!: 7 Strategies for Dealing With Difficulty in Difficult Times”(Two Harbors Press, 2012) is a professional speaker, trainer, coach, and facilitator. Her focus is to impart communications skills to create awareness of ineffective behaviors and to move people and teams forward in their mission. Topics include: “How to Win in Difficult Interactions”, “Mindfulness: Moving from Chaos to Calm”, “Presenting to Diverse Audiences: From Nerves to Navigation”, “Three Fixes for the Five Team Dysfunctions”, “Dealing With Different  Personality Types”,  “What to Say to a Difficult Customer”

Past clients include: The Executive Office of the President, National Association of Female Executives, Wireless Infrastructure Association, National Older Workers Career Center, Social Security Administration, FBI, Dept. of Agriculture, Marriott, Sony Corp., Southland Corp, Citicorp, The Discovery Channel, Sears, The Census Bureau, Union Labor Life Insurance, NASA and Depts. of Army &Navy, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Past Media Includes: NPR, CBS Morning News, To Tell the Truth, ABC7, WBAL-Baltimore, WUSA9, The Washington Post, The New York Times, LA Times, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s World, Men’s Health, Dr. Toni Grant, WHUR, and To Tell the Truth(Will the real Sandra Crowe please stand up).

Sandra has a passion for International Culture having lived in West Africa and spent time in Israel, Europe, Mexico, Central and South America and having driven from her home in Washington, DC to El Salvador. 

This session will give managers the necessary skills to better coach each other as well as help employees’ problem solve, and assist them in gaining new perspectives on how to better meet those challenges

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how you can coach others and yourself
  • Implement the 6 steps involved in coaching
  • Look at the impact of language on your daily interactions
  • Dissect what it means to speak, listen and give feedback
  • Listen with respect and for problem solving
  • Understand how language, the body, and emotions interplay
  • Handle the emotional aspects of coaching and counseling
  • Discuss tough issues with more ease
  • Define and demonstrate how to be a coach
  • Help people help themselves

Areas Covered

To support participants in learning how to coach employees, each other and even themselves, in order to change behaviors, meet goals, and move directives forward. Ultimately the objective is to feel more confident in the role of coach at the workplace.

Who Should Attend

Anyone want to know more about coaching or how to be a coach.

Why Should You Attend

If you are having challenges in supporting employees in their goals, helping colleagues in theirs, or dealing with employee behaviors that need to shift in order to support the well being of the team, then this session is for you. Or if you just want to learn more about how to wear the hat of a coach in your organization, then this session will be supportive for you as well.

Topic Background

In a world of changing technology, challenging personalities and shifting priorities, sometimes you either need a coach or you need to be one. This session is designed to give supervisors and managers important communication and coaching skills in the world of fast-paced change and requirements.

Participants will gain knowledge of what effective coaching and counseling look like, how to implement it, and how to use it for better interpersonal relations between employees and managers. They will gain more understanding of how to coach, what actions to take, what the meaning is behind a directive and what words to use when giving direction, as well as pacing for when to give feedback and insuring that it is understood.

This course will utilize lectures, demonstrations with class participants, interaction, discussion, and role-playing to emphasize its points.

  • $200.00

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