Getting Out Of Your Head
  • CODE : STBR-0006
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Refer a Friend

Steve Brookes and his business partner, Serena Ittoo, work to help women and professionals with overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety, self-doubt and stress eliminate the root cause holding them back, enabling them to live a life they love. Steve and Serena support this transformation by providing the tools needed to help work through their emotions and develop rock solid confidence in who they authentically are.

Steve and Serena are both Master NLP Practitioners and through their business, Expressing Your Authentic Self, they specialize in (all areas relating to) self-confidence and self-esteem, and guide clients to embrace, explore and be excited to show who they are with confidence! Steve and Serena help clients to reawaken The Confident Version of Themselves so they can begin to speak up and live and breathe the confidence they need to obtain the life they really want

This is further supported by the skills, knowledge and awareness Steve has gained through his own struggles and journey in life. This has helped Steve to firstly change his life for the better as he’s become more confident, developed more skills and become more effective in his life and growing his business, helping more clients to transform their lives.

Experts estimate that the mind thinks around 35,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of 1,000-1,500 thoughts per hour and many of these are based on our expectations and our need for a particular outcome. Now if this sounds pretty challenging to get this number of thoughts out of your head, think of the effect if a good proportion are unhelpful thoughts coming from negative emotions.

Negative and unhelpful:

We’ve all struggled with being stuck in our heads and being weighed down by the same unproductive thoughts and emotions or maybe you just feel like you have no time to think and this is where problems arise.

Struggle to switch off:

Maybe you can’t switch off after facing uncomfortable or difficult situations in your daily lives. For example, this could be after dealing with a difficult person or awkward situation at work, a challenging relationship, or while developing your business. You may also feel nervous or uncomfortable about speaking in front of people going to a job interview, etc. Maybe you even know the goal you want to achieve yet you talk yourself out of doing this and even doubt yourself. 

Starts to affect other areas of your life adversely:

Whatever it may be, repeating the same spiral of unhelpful thinking patterns can manifest and create a ripple effect throughout different areas of your life where you struggle to think clearly and communicate what you want to.

Ask yourself, can you remember a day when something was really on your mind, you couldn’t get the thoughts out of your head and this was really affecting other areas of your life?

This webinar will help you to:

  • Move away from being stuck in your head
  • Be in a calmer, more grounded and relaxed place
  • Be in a position to develop more helpful strategies

Areas Covered

This webinar will cover how to:

  • Keep unhelpful thoughts in check
  • Move away from being in your head
  • Be in a more grounded, relaxed place
  • Enjoy the now and move forward

Who Should Attend

People who overthink and find themselves lost in their thoughts and stuck in their heads.

Why Should You Attend

Who is this aimed at?

So, you may be wondering how this webinar will support you in moving forward. Well, I can say from personal experience, that this webinar will help you if you often:

  • Struggle to switch off and find yourself often being stuck in your head
  • You find yourself weighed down and overwhelmed by the same thoughts and this can make you freeze with inaction
  • You struggle to move forward sustainably and feel uncomfortable, anxious, nervous, etc when experiencing certain situations and often doubt you have what it takes.
  • You’re not getting to where you want to be which can be frustrating!
  • $200.00

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