Why Employee Recognition Programs Rarely Work and What Leaders Can Do Instead
  • CODE : KABR-0056
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Karla Brandau is a leading authority on time management and Microsoft Outlook. For over twenty years she has taught her innovative productivity methods in top corporations such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America. Over 85% of the organizations who hire her, invite her back for repeat engagements. She has written 101 Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals and produced visual “How To” guides for Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013, and 2016. She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by National Speakers Association.

The goal of employee engagement is to earn the gift of discretionary effort. Discretionary effort is a gift because employees make a decision on a daily basis whether or not to give discretionary effort. Discretionary effort is the difference between what an employee does to get a paycheck and what the employee is capable of contributing.

In a culture of rich employee experiences, employees naturally give discretionary effort, moving from completing basic tasks that match their job description to adding value to the tasks they touch.

Individualized and meaningful employee experiences replace the need for employee programs of rewarding people with material items if they garner X-amount of points, reach a certain level of contribution, etc.

This webinar is for you if you want to begin motivating your employees through significant employee experiences that make employee programs useful in some circumstances, yet almost obsolete.

The experience of this seminar will give you the skills, fortitude and courage to:

  • Show determination and tenacity in the face of challenges
  • Build team spirit to reach company goals
  • Motivate individuals to do more than they originally intended and more than they thought possible
  • Empower, give authority to, and hold your employees accountable
  • Create an environment for employees to surface the truth, voice ideas and give opinions that strengthen products and services

Areas Covered

In this webinar you will learn how to: As a business issue, engagement produces greater levels of productivity, not only from a viewpoint of completing more tasks, but from the perspective of employees giving added value, thinking creatively, and taking personal responsibility for solving problems.

The growth of your company is the sum of each individual’s progress toward greater self-management. If you demonstrate care for each worker and create significant employee experiences, they'll reward you with the innovation and discretionary effort to find solutions to seemingly impossible problems and carry your organization through troubled times.

To help you reach the goals of increased quality in the employee experience in your company, you will learn how to:

  • Nurture employees
  • Make the employee experience an employee retention policy
  • Listen with your eyes, ears, and heart
  • Share not just how but the why
  • Ensure two-way dialog
  • Give recognition
  • Express gratitude
  • Let employees surface the truth
  • Take action on employee feedback
  • Turn words into actions
  • Ensure employees are safe and secure
  • Treat employees with respect and revere human dignity

This webinar focuses on your leadership development as we discuss how you can:

  • Eliminate employee programs that have lost their effectiveness
  • Help employees feel a sense of accomplishment every day
  • Model a productive day of accomplishment for them
  • Assign stimulating tasks as well as routine work
  • Grant autonomy
  • Individualize your interactions based on the personality of your worker
  • Demonstrate concern for the well-being of employees

Course Level - Intermediate and Advanced

Who Should Attend

  • Managers, Supervisors, Project Managers, and Team Leads at all levels of the organization.
  • Director, Vice President, President, Office Manager
  • Team Lead, Project Manager, Plant Manager, Manufacturing Manager
  • Finance Manager, Accounting Manager, Sales Manager

Why Should You Attend

It is relatively easy to spot a disengaged employee through body language, attitudes, sick days are taken, habitually late arrivals, and missed assignments. You can learn what you are losing to disengagement by clicking here: http://earnthegift.com/app/

Do the math and then sign up for this webinar that will transform the culture in your company from using engagement programs as a crutch for motivating employees to a holistic approach to superior employee experiences.

As you learn and apply the techniques for managing to achieve optimal employee experiences, you will be recognized as a solid leader who produces results. When you improve the employee experience of your direct report or team members, they will become your competitive advantage in a difficult 2022 marketplace.

Following the principles, you become a transformative manager who knows how to move your employees from disengagement and minimal effort to amazing contributions, resulting in increased profitability, superior customer service and economic sustainability for your company.

Topic Background

For decades, company strategies that rewarded employees when results were produced was aligned with a multitude of employee engagement programs. Have these employee engagement programs in your company stopped working? Have they become routine or even worse, have they morphed into entitlements?

Employee engagement is a complex issue with several components that can make a huge difference in the amount of discretionary effort and energy employees give you. In this webinar we’ll discuss the difference between employee engagement programs that no longer work and a culture of engaging employee experiences.

Put the employee engagement puzzle together and learn how to organically engage employees by attending this webinar.

  • $200.00

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