Why Opposite Personalities Irritate Each Other at Work
  • CODE : KABR-0052
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Karla Brandau is a leading authority on time management and Microsoft Outlook. For over twenty years she has taught her innovative productivity methods in top corporations such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America. Over 85% of the organizations who hire her, invite her back for repeat engagements. She has written 101 Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals and produced visual “How To” guides for Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013, and 2016. She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by National Speakers Association.

The factors listed above that we will discuss mean it is complex to figure out exactly why another team member annoys you. If the truth were known, you may drive him crazy as well.

Looking at irritations from the top of the mountain, every team has conflict on the rough terrain as they wind their way to the top. The normal viewpoint of team conflict is negative, especially conflicts based on personality differences.

However, when you study differences, you gain an appreciation for those who are opposite from you. Opposites should be celebrated because the discussions can generate new problem-solving ideas that you did not see with your experience and mental models.  

With the instruction in this webinar, you will learn how to not just tolerate those who irritate you but look for ways to understand their unique qualities and then contemplate how to complement each other’s strengths.

When you find a way to appreciate a person with opposite characteristics and collaborate with them, you will be on your way to producing a better work product and increasing morale.

Areas Covered

When changing the other person is impossible and not an option, you can avoid a war of words and actions by attending this webinar. You’ll learn how to:  

  • Pick the opposite person’s brain and learn something from them 
  • Appreciate differences
  • Be comfortable with your strengths and talents
  • Be willing to compensate for the limitations of the other person
  • Use “I Choose” principle
  • Use the 5 conflict modes as needed
  • Negotiate when there is a stalemate
  • Focus on the problem, not the person
  • Express feelings in a neutral, non-blaming way
  • Accept responsibility for your part of the problem
  • Listen to the other person’s point of view

Course Level - Basic/Fundamental and Intermediate

Who Should Attend

Any person who wants to improve working conditions with a person who irritates them. 

Why Should You Attend

Here’s an example of opposites irritating each other: You Google a topic and are ready to run with it, a person with an opposite viewpoint wants to study it out thoroughly before deciding. You are irritated at the delay. The other person is irritated at your hastiness.

Don’t let the people who irritate you eat away at your optimism and your positive emotional state. Sign up for this webinar and you get a tutorial on:

  • DISC personalities – the Dominant, Influencer, Steady and Conscientious
  • Hidden Motivators or Driving Forces that determine personal preferences
  • Right and Left-Brain thinkers
  • Horizontal and Vertical Thinkers
  • Primary and Secondary characteristics of diversity

Topic Background

For centuries people have wondered why some people are easy to relate to and why others seem impossible to connect with. For instance, do you work with someone who drives you crazy? The answer may be in the opposite personality phenomenon.

Research shows that you tend to gravitate to people who have similar interests and a similar background, enabling you to find commonality with them. When you have opposite likes and dislikes, you tend to get on each other’s nerves.

  • $200.00

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