Cultural Competence - Interpersonal Communications and Diversity in the Workplace
  • CODE : VERA-0003
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Vera Thomas is a certified Life Coach, International Speaker, Trainer, Mediator, and Poet. 24x bestselling author and producer of a by-weekly podcast/radio show “The Vera Thomas Show”

Her career spans over 30 years working with companies, non-profit organizations, schools, and churches engaging youth and adults. She works with groups and individuals

Vera is available for companies who want to transform their teams or families who want to transform their lives.

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In today's interconnected and globalized workforce, the concept of cultural competence has become more than just a buzzword it is a fundamental aspect of creating thriving, innovative, and inclusive workplaces. Cultural competence in the context of interpersonal communication and workplace diversity encompasses a broad spectrum of skills, attitudes, and strategies that foster understanding, respect, and collaboration among individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Cultural competence in interpersonal communication and diversity in the workplace is not a one-time initiative but an ongoing commitment to understanding, embracing, and leveraging the richness of diverse cultures. As workplaces continue to evolve, those that prioritize and invest in cultural competence will not only create environments where individuals thrive but also position themselves as leaders in a globalized and interconnected world. It is an investment in the future a future where differences are celebrated, communication is inclusive, and innovation knows no cultural boundaries.

Learning Objectives

  • Enhance Cross-Cultural understanding
  • Improve interpersonal communication skills
  • Create inclusive work environments
  • Build cultural competence competencies
  • Promote equal opportunities
  • Increase team collaboration and productivity
  • Mitigate conflict through cultural awareness
  • Support employee Well-Being
  • Enhance global business competence

Areas Covered 

  • Introduction to cultural competence
  • Understanding workplace diversity
  • Interpersonal communication essentials
  • Cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Active listening techniques
  • Building cultural intelligence
  • Navigating Cross-Cultural challenges
  • Inclusive leadership practices
  • Team collaboration in diverse environments
  • Conflict resolution across cultures
  • Legal and ethical considerations
  • Creating an inclusive workplace culture
  • Measuring success and continuous improvement
  • Interactive activities and case studies                                
  • Analyzing real-world case studies to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations
  • Q&A and Open Discussion

Who Should Attend

  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Managers and Supervisors
  • Executives and Leadership Teams
  • Training and Development Specialists
  • Employee Relations Specialists
  • Cross-Cultural Communication Professionals
  • Inclusive Leadership Advocates
  • Customer-Facing Roles
  • Project Managers
  • Educational Professionals
  • Consultants and Trainers
  • Legal and Compliance Professionals
  • Entrepreneurs and Business Owner
  • Government and Nonprofit Professionals
  • Employees at Large

Why Should You Attend

In the fast-paced world of modern business, embracing the principles of cultural competence in interpersonal communication and diversity is not just an option, it is a strategic imperative. Let us explore why you should actively participate in initiatives promoting cultural competence in the workplace.

Attending sessions focused on cultural competence in interpersonal communication and diversity is an investment in your professional growth and the success of your organization. It not only contributes to a harmonious workplace but also enhances your ability to navigate the complexities of an ever-changing, culturally diverse professional landscape.

Topic Background

Cultural competence in the workplace refers to the ability of individuals and organizations to effectively interact and communicate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. This concept has gained increasing importance in the modern workplace due to globalization, demographic shifts, and the recognition of the value of diversity and inclusion.

Interpersonal communication is a key component of cultural competence, as it involves the exchange of information, ideas, and feelings between individuals. Effective interpersonal communication in a diverse workplace requires an understanding and appreciation of different cultural norms, values, communication styles, and behaviors. It goes beyond language proficiency to encompass a deeper awareness of cultural nuances and the ability to navigate cross-cultural interactions respectfully.

Organizations that prioritize cultural competence in interpersonal communication and diversity tend to experience benefits such as improved teamwork, creativity, and employee satisfaction. It also contributes to a positive organizational culture where individuals from different backgrounds can thrive and contribute to the overall success of the workplace. Training programs, diversity initiatives, and ongoing awareness efforts are common strategies employed by organizations to enhance cultural competence among their employees.

  • $200.00

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