Heat Stress Prevention Avoidance and Control Measures
  • CODE : JOME-0012
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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John J. Meola, CSP, ARM is an experienced safety practitioner based in Richmond, VA. His specialties include construction safety management and assisting clients with solving hard-to-manage situations. He is an Instructor in Safety & Risk Management at VA Commonwealth University School of Business and an OSHA 500 Construction Community Outreach Trainer. He has written two safety handbooks and is one the Editorial Review Board of Construction Business Owner magazine.

Heat stress is a real problem all over the globe. Just ask the guys making mud bricks in Bangalore. Dealing with high heat is becoming an increasing challenge since heat waves and periods of elevated temps are becoming more frequent and prolonged. Science and human factors engineering, also called Ergonomics, has long studied the issue and a body of conventional wisdom has established the basic working parameters on the topic.

Technology has added a new dimension to the management and control of heat stress, and we will examine all of these aspects in the webinar. It is unlikely the problem will recede in the foreseeable future, thus we should ramp up and plan to deal with it. Eventually, there will be an OSHA regulatory presence on this topic. We are already seeing ’The Majors’” include the topic on their prequalification vetting process, in the likes of IS Net World, Browz and Avetta, etc. Since it is already a deliverable on their roadmap, the smart thing to do is learn up on the topic, gear up on the hardware, define a program for your crews and move on it.

This webinar will establish a starting point and give you a clue for the direction you should be taking for the long haul.

Areas Covered

Discussion topics will include Best Practices for:

  • Temporary shade, awnings, umbrellas, shelters
  • Swamp coolers
  • Misting fans
  • Cooling bandana
  • Cooling vest
  • PPE for high heat exposures
  • Engineered garments
  • High-performance fabrics
  • Energy drink supplements
  • Hydration – effects of water and other fluids on and inside the body
  • Heat illness Caution stage, Warning indicators; danger zones
  • Human heat retention and dispersion factors
  • Insulating properties of fabrics
  • Best clothing and dress for hot weather
  • Rest breaks, fatigue, sleep cycles, REM sleep, impaired decision-making ability
  • Self-directed work crews vs. direct supervision
  • Smoking cessation, obesity management, healthy lifestyle choices, employee wellness; hypertension, etc.
  • Lone worker exposure

Course Level - Intermediate to advanced

Who Should Attend    

All Construction trades; Project Managers, Superintendents, foremen, supervisors, crew leaders, HR managers, QA/QC managers; land surveyors; EIT’s; field-based operations staff; cable, Telcom and communications workers; tower workers; oil and gas sector workers; mining and extractive industry; marine trades, shipbuilding, and ship repair; road bridge and tunnel workers, railway, airline ground crews; manufacturing – mills, foundries, brick and tile manufacturing, food production, glass, cement, steel, and metals refining; any high heat environment indoors and outside.

Why Should You Attend

There are several proven strategies to deal with worker outdoor exposure in high heat. Some are technological, some are administrative and some are just good common sense and have been around for a long time.

This webinar will deconstruct the issue in layman’s terms and offer to advise and tips, some of which are almost counterintuitive, but the science is real. We can learn from Best Practices in this case to protect our employees.

Heat stress affects all persons differently, but it does have an effect on everyone, some more than others. It can be an annoyance at the lower levels, but it can cause serious impairment, unconsciousness, and death when gone out of control.

Topic Background

Climate Change, global warming, pollution, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, loss of sea ice, wildfires, droughts, mega-storms with destructive force, take your pick. They’re all bad. Average temps are heading north. Summers are going to last six months with temps in the triple-digit range. And for the people who work outdoors, it’s not going to be a picnic.

But wait! We can adapt and learn to navigate the heat, using technology and some basic principles of physics and human ingenuity. Either way, there will be a lot of perspiration. Heat stress is already a big topic on the OSHA radar. Once we get past the Corona Virus, heat stress will return to OSHA’s front page. Probably by mid-summer, maybe sooner.

  • $200.00

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