Verbal Self-Defense For Workplace Violence
  • CODE : JORO-0006
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Joe Rosner is the Director of Best Defense USA and a well-known speaker on the workplace, violence personal safety, and self-defense. He has presented at numerous conferences, associations, and businesses. He has been a successful salesman, recruiter, and trainer. He makes a home in rural McHenry County Illinois where his hobbies include rehabbing abused and neglected dogs and flying small airplanes.

De-escalation, diffusion, Verbal Judo, or “talking someone down", are all names for keeping the potentially violent person from becoming an actual violent person. This program will provide strategies, tactics, and techniques for keeping situations from devolving into dangerous confrontations. We’ll take a quick look into the problem of workplace violence, how often it happens and what is the effect on individuals and organizations when it does. Next, you’ll take a deep dive into the warning signs that someone is at high risk for becoming violent. You'll get an overview and basic understanding of how hostage negotiators, psychiatric professionals, and other professionals gain control of an intense situation and bring about non-violent conclusions.

For every instance of workplace violence that occurs there are many times more cases of rudeness, insults, intimidation, racial slurs and other verbal violence. We all know well adjusted, non-criminals don’t just begin hitting, kicking, stabbing or shooting people. In fact, almost all physical violence starts out as verbal violence. It may begin with insults, threats or be shouting obscenities, and then as anger rises and antagonists build up their anger if their anger, erupt into dangerous attempts to cause real physical harm. So learn to prevent verbal violence from becoming physical violence and you can avoid becoming a statistic.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the scope and impact of workplace violence
  • Outline the warning sign of incipient violence
  • Explain the basic concepts in verbal de-escalation
  • List some helpful phraseology to help reduce the chances of physical violence
  • The non-verbal signal you may be missing or sending

Who Should Attend

Human Resources, Security, customer-facing employees.

  • $200.00

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