Engage And Energise Your Team
  • CODE : PAFA-0001
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : All
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A leading Australian speaker and trainer, Paul is on a mission to re-ignite the creative fire inside companies  that they have buried, or lost, or otherwise misplaced. He seeks to open hearts, minds, and spirits with big ideas and a swift kick in the creative pants.

Once described by a colleague as equal parts zen and espresso, Paul Fairweather understands that to make ideas happen you need a combination of both the creative and practical, coining the word Pragmativity.  Paul is a firm believer in good old Australian and American Ingenuity, the ability to be Clever, Original and Inventive.

He is a great collaborator and communicator, and provides a rare wisdom and connection between the creative and practical elements of leading people and a building a successful business.

An architect by profession, Paul was  co-founder and CEO of award-winning Fairweather Proberts Architects, now Bureau^proberts, an international architectural firm working across the globe.

Paul gave up architecture to try other things, including standup comedy, after having the slow moving epiphany  that there are not a lot of laughs in architecture.

He’s also credited as a chair and product designer, illustrator , property developer, podcaster, inventor, adventurer, entrepreneur.  writer,  and artist.

Paul has been responsible for numerous chair designs, including the iconic Mr. Curly Top. He is a high-profile artist who regularly exhibits around Brisbane and in 2001 was an Archibald Prize finalist, Australia’s most prestigious art prize.

Paul is an accomplished public speaker and trainer and combines his natural wit and his visual sensibilities to deliver entertaining and informative keynotes, masterclasses and programs with clarity and humour.

In today's fast-evolving business landscape, leaders face the challenge of maintaining a workforce that is not only productive but also deeply engaged and committed. This webinar is crafted for leaders who recognize the urgency of revitalizing their team dynamics to foster a thriving organizational culture.

During this session, we delve into proven strategies and innovative frameworks that help bridge the gap between leadership intent and team performance. Attendees will gain insights into essential methods to enhance team engagement and bolster creativity, ensuring that every team member feels valued and understood.

Key areas we will cover include:

  • The Genetic Drivers of Engagement: We explore the natural inclinations that drive personal expression and the desire for team cohesion, providing leaders with the knowledge to harness these instincts effectively.
  • The iSee Framework: This tool is pivotal for leaders aiming to connect deeply with their teams. It emphasizes the importance of understanding team members’ personal stories, recognizing what is significant to them, and actively listening to their ideas.
  • The Flow Model: We will discuss how to balance skill levels with challenges in a way that promotes growth and builds creative confidence. This model is crucial for keeping team members engaged and motivated, pushing them towards their peak performance.
  • Purpose and Meaning: Finding and fostering a sense of purpose within work is key to tackling complex problems. We will explore strategies to help team members find meaning in their roles, driving engagement and productivity.

This webinar isn’t just about learning new techniques; it's about transforming them into actionable steps that lead to measurable improvements in team dynamics and organizational outcomes. Equip yourself with the tools to inspire, motivate, and lead your teams to new heights of success. Join us to create an environment where creativity and engagement flourish, setting a new standard for leadership excellence.

Areas Covered    

  • Exploring intrinsic motivators for individual and team engagement.
  • Utilizing the iSee Framework for deeper team member connections.
  • Applying the Flow Model to balance challenges with skills.
  • Strategies for instilling purpose and meaning in work.

Who Should Attend

  • Teams Experiencing Disconnection: Groups needing to rebuild trust and collaboration after periods of remote work or significant changes.
  • Leadership in Transition: Executives and managers navigating leadership changes or restructuring, who must quickly establish credibility and rapport.
  • Organizations Undergoing Cultural Shifts: Companies in the midst of significant cultural transformation, seeking to align new values with employee behavior.
  • High-Growth Companies: Rapidly expanding firms needing to maintain a coherent team dynamic amidst scaling challenges.
  • Diverse and Inclusive Teams: Teams striving to enhance inclusivity and leverage diverse perspectives for improved problem-solving and innovation.
  • Project Teams with High Burnout Rates: Groups facing high-pressure deadlines and projects, requiring strategies to manage stress and maintain motivation.
  • Leaders Seeking to Foster Employee Growth: Managers and supervisors focused on developing their team members' skills and career paths effectively.

Why Should You Attend

"Fear losing top talent, uncertainty in team cohesion, and doubt in achieving goals? Reconnect and re-energize your team now.”

Attending this webinar is crucial for leaders who recognize the importance of deeply understanding their teams to drive engagement and performance. In today's evolving workplace, knowing your team's stories, recognizing what matters to them, and actively listening to their ideas are foundational for building strong connections and fostering a supportive work environment.

This session will provide you with insights and processes to effectively engage with your team members on a personal level. By focusing on understanding each individual's motivations and concerns, you can tailor your leadership approach to better meet their needs and boost overall team morale.

You'll learn practical techniques for creating opportunities where team members feel safe and valued in sharing their thoughts and suggestions. This not only enhances their sense of belonging but also empowers them to contribute more actively to the team's objectives.

Furthermore, the webinar will highlight the importance of visibility and communication in leadership. By being present and attentive, you can demonstrate your commitment to your team's well-being and professional growth. This approach not only mitigates issues of disconnection and disengagement but also leads to a more productive and innovative workplace.

By the end of this session, you will have the tools and knowledge to implement processes that make your team members feel heard and appreciated. This strategic focus on personal connection is key to transforming your leadership style and energizing your workforce. Join us to learn how to effectively harness these techniques to enhance team dynamics and achieve superior results.

Topic Background    

Gallup's "The State of the Global Workplace 2023" report highlights significant engagement issues: 67% of employees are not engaged ("quiet quitting"), 11% are actively disengaged ("loud quitting"), and only 22% are actively engaged. Low engagement affects productivity, retention, and stifles innovation, often due to poor management, unclear expectations, and limited growth opportunities. Addressing these issues involves improving management practices, enhancing communication, fostering inclusion, and providing personal growth opportunities. Understanding and tackling these challenges is essential for revitalizing teams and boosting overall organizational success, aligning with the focus of enhancing team engagement through personal expression and meaningful challenges.

  • $160.00

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