Unlock the Power of Video SEO: Elevate Your Reach, Engagement, and Connection
  • CODE : TAYL-0003
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Taylor Wellman, Co-Owner of Financial Potion

Since 2014 Taylor and her team at Financial Potion have produced customized video marketing solutions to help hundreds of businesses and organizations reach their goals faster. With a passion for visual storytelling that ignited in high school through national organizations like Fresh Films and SKILLSUSA, Taylor has honed her skills over the years earning a Bachelor’s degree in Film and Video Production. But in the fast- paced world of marketing, it's all about staying ahead. Embracing cutting-edge equipment, technology, and software, is second nature to her and the team at Financial Potion.

Taylor's dynamic partnership with her husband Eric brings a unique blend of creativity and strategy to their work. - and yes, they actually enjoy working together! Without Eric, Taylor jokes she might have become a "crazy cat lady," although their feline family members, Xena and Dash, keep things lively; they also share their love with their two non- fur babies, James and Layla.

At Financial Potion, Taylor's passion and expertise shine through in every project, helping businesses communicate authentically and engage effectively in today's digital world.

In a digital landscape saturated with content, standing out is more challenging than ever. With over 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every single minute, the competition for viewership is fierce. However, amidst this sea of content, there lies an opportunity to leverage the power of Video SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to ensure your videos not only get noticed but also thrive.

This presentation is designed for content creators, marketers, entrepreneurs, non-profits and anyone looking to harness the full potential of their video content. Video is the best way to market your message and connect with your potential audience. Truly this is for anyone who want to get more clients and customers and make a bigger impact on the connects they have.

During this immersive workshop, attendees will delve into the fundamental principles of Video SEO, learning the precise steps necessary to optimize every YouTube upload for maximum organic reach and viewer engagement. We'll guide you through the eight essential steps that are crucial for ensuring your videos not only rank well on YouTube but also can be found on Google. From keyword research to metadata optimization, thumbnail design to engagement strategies, our comprehensive approach covers every aspect of Video SEO and YouTube best practices.

We understand that efficiency is paramount in today's fast-paced digital landscape. That's why we'll equip you with actionable strategies and cutting-edge tools to streamline your Video SEO workflow, ensuring that you achieve optimal results without sacrificing precious resources.

But why is Video SEO so essential in today's digital ecosystem? The answer lies in its unparalleled ability to unlock the full potential of your video content. By implementing Video SEO best practices, you're not only increasing your visibility on platforms like YouTube and Google but also creating a more profound and personal connection with your audience.

Consider this: video content has the unique ability to captivate, engage, and inspire like no other medium. With its combination of visuals, audio, and storytelling, video enables you to convey your message with unmatched authenticity and impact. By optimizing your videos for search engines, you're significantly improving your opportunity to reach the right audience at the right time, driving meaningful interactions and fostering lasting relationships.

Moreover, YouTube isn't just a platform or just a search engine—it's a gateway to endless opportunities for growth and expansion. With its vast user base and powerful search capabilities, YouTube serves as a launchpad for your content, propelling it to new heights of success. And the benefits extend beyond YouTube itself. By mastering Video SEO, you're laying the groundwork for success across multiple platforms, amplifying your reach and influence wherever your content may be found.

In essence, Video SEO isn't just about climbing the search rankings—it's about creating a lasting impact, forging meaningful connections, and unlocking the full potential of your video content. It's a journey of discovery, innovation, and transformation—a journey that begins with our exclusive workshop. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to video marketing.

Areas Covered

  • How to create a search engine optimized title?
  • How to create a search engine optimized description?
  • Thumbnail designer best practices
  • How to create search engine-optimized tags?
  • What are end screens, and why and how to use them for engagement?
  • What are cards, why and how to use them for engagement?
  • How to tag your Google Places?
  • How and why to correct transcriptions?
  • How to place videos into playlists and make the playlist search engine optimized?
  • How to initiate engagement?
  • Best times for posing and posting frequencies

Who Should Attend

CMOs, Social Media Managers, Entrepreneurs, Advertisers, Podcasters.

Why Should You Attend

In the vast digital landscape, where attention is a prized commodity, mastering the art of Video SEO is no longer optional—it's essential for anyone who wants to get found and heard.

YouTube, the second most used search engine globally, has been under Google's umbrella since 2006, making it a powerhouse for discovery and engagement. Yet, amidst the sheer volume of content flooding these platforms every second, the fear of getting lost in obscurity looms large. Uncertainty creeps in as creators and businesses wonder how to stand out amidst the noise, and doubts arise about the time and money investment required to achieve visibility.

Our workshop is designed to address these concerns head-on by providing actionable strategies and step-by-step guidance to create videos that score 80% or better on the SEO scale. We break down the process into eight essential steps, ensuring that every aspect of your video—from title to tags—is optimized for maximum organic reach and engagement.

But it doesn't stop at YouTube. By mastering Video SEO, you also increase your chances of getting discovered on Google, the undisputed king of search engines. With search engines increasingly favoring video content, the importance of optimization cannot be overstated. It's not just about visibility; it's about seizing opportunities and staying ahead in a competitive digital landscape.

So, if you're ready to unlock the full potential of your videos and give your business the exposure it deserves, don't let fear, uncertainty, or doubt hold you back.

Topic Background

A workshop that walks through the 8 steps to create an 80% SEO-scored video and best practices for YouTube to get the most organic reach and engagement. These tactics will also help people get found on Google more easily.

  • $160.00

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