Generic Webinars

Control Freaks, Master Manipulators and Saboteurs: Dealing with your Nightmare Clients and Coworkers

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Control Freaks, Master Manipulators and Saboteurs: Dealing with your Nightmare Clients and Coworkers

Disrespect happens. No matter how we reinforce our expectations for workplace respect, we still encounter clients and coworkers who become our workplace nightmares. If ignored or handled badly, bad behavior can devastate a client relationship, team, or project like wildfire. Fortunately, there are many proactive, preventative measures that you can take to manage disrespect. With tools and an action plan, yo..

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills  for Business Challenges

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills for Business Challenges

Every day at work, leaders are faced with many issues when making decisions. Some of our problems are big and complicated, while others may be more easily solved. There is no shortage of challenges and issues that can arise on the job. Critical thinking and problem-solving are two essential skills that leaders need to have. Critical thinking refers to the ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to effecti..

Cultural Competency in 2023: Making DEI a Reality

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Cultural Competency in 2023: Making DEI a Reality

This program will assist you in developing a cultural competency plan of action to move your DEI goals forward. We will explore the definition of cultural competency and how to make it a reality. We will explore the policies and practices necessary to make DEI work for your workplace. Areas Covered Definitions of DEI and cultural competencyTrends in cultural competencyHow to OWN cultural competencyDevelopin..

Culture Vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analog

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Culture Vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analog

In today's dynamic and unpredictable business landscape, the success and sustainability of organizations hinge on their ability to navigate the intricate interplay between culture and strategy. Welcome to our immersive webinar, "Culture vs. Strategy: Unpacking the Breakfast Table Analogy". where we embark on a 90-minute journey of deep dive into the core of organizational dynamics, equipping you with the kn..

Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs): How to Deal with Common Issues for Filing

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs): How to Deal with Common Issues for Filing

Under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), there are reporting obligations for financial institutions doing business in the US. A currency transaction report is one of those obligations. A CTR must be filled out whenever a customer conducts a currency transaction over $10,000. There are some exemptions which we will go over as well. Remember with CTRs, it is a form we file to help prevent money laundering, We are go..

Customer Relationship Management: Mastering Profitable Relationships

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Customer Relationship Management: Mastering Profitable Relationships

Providing better, faster service is what will keep your customers coming back.Quality service will give you the competitive advantage you need to survive in a tough business climate. In today’s customer-oriented business environment, "people skills" are critical for personal and organizational success. How you handle your customers can directly affect your individual goals as well as your team’s and company..

Customer Relationship Management: Strategic Methods to Manage Relationships

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Customer Relationship Management: Strategic Methods to Manage Relationships

Today, software tools are used to manage the "mechanics" of customer relationship. However, you cannot rely on software to manage your relationships with customers. This is the human interaction which must take place. Acquiring the right customers in the first place and then discovering their ever-changing needs goes far beyond interacting with a screen. Successful organizations, spend time talking with cus..

Dealing with Conflict

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Dealing with Conflict

Conflict should not be avoided. In fact, discussing ideas that differ among team members is the only way to get all the ideas out and examined. Passionate debate is to be encouraged. Managing the discussion is the challenge for the moderator. Arguing your point of view is NOT attacking those with a different point of view personally. The ultimate intent is to resolve the conflict by coming to a consensus. C..

Dealing With Difficult People In Life and Work

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Dealing With Difficult People In Life and Work

In this training you will discover the secret skills used by top therapists to deal with the most challenging of people. From annoying people at work. All the way to lock-down psychiatric patients. These skills are all extensively tested in the field and known to produce outstanding results.You will also learn how to deal with specific types of difficult people, and be shown how to control your emotions and..

Dealing with Workplace Negativity

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Dealing with Workplace Negativity

Workplace negativity affects more people and organizations today than ever. Managers and team members alike report being more stressed as they are being asked to do more with less. Learn to create a positive, more productive workplace by developing practical strategies to relieve stress. As a manager or executive, learn to align with company values designed to help employees perform at their best. Acknowled..

Delegating: A Powerful Tool to Develop Others

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Delegating: A Powerful Tool to Develop Others

Embark on a transformative leadership journey with Robert S. Grossman, Founder of Black Diamond Leadership, as he leads our highly anticipated webinar, "Delegating for Growth." With over 25 years of experience and a track record of coaching 500 leaders globally, Robert brings a wealth of expertise to guide you toward becoming a master delegator and achieving unparalleled success.In this dynamic webinar, you..

Documenting Employee Problems: Effective and Defensible Documentation

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Documenting Employee Problems: Effective and Defensible Documentation

You’ve heard the statement, “If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen.” The human resources mantra to managers and supervisors is to "document, document, document," because disciplinary actions can often give rise to claims of discrimination, leading to high costs of litigation. But do your managers and supervisor know how, when, and what to document? Although it may seem like a headache to write a report..

Don’t Shoot the Messenger – How to Deliver Bad News to your Clients and Teams

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Don’t Shoot the Messenger – How to Deliver Bad News to your Clients and Teams

Project managers and business analysts deliver “bad news” to our clients and teams almost daily from scope creep to budget issues to scheduling problems. If these conversations go badly, they can ruin a client relationship, project, and team culture. If handled carefully and effectively, your relationships will be enriched. This makes message management critical it takes skill to effectively avoid arguments..

Effective Engagement in Times of Change and Uncertainty: Leadership Communication Skills and Strategies

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Effective Engagement in Times of Change and Uncertainty: Leadership Communication Skills and Strategies

We live in a wired, 24/7 world that's often cycling between "do more with less" or "lean-and-MEAN" reorganizing and ever faster upgrading while demanding higher levels of transparency and accountability. And these days, especially, it can feel like we are spinning scarily out of control. Hey, today it’s less a matter of “downsizing” or “rightsizing” than it is of sheer “fright sizing!” Not surprisingly, man..

Effectively Handle Toxic People For Better Productivity and Less Drama

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Effectively Handle Toxic People For Better Productivity and Less Drama

Stress, uncertainty, and crisis impact how we communicate and how we interact with our colleagues and customers. During the beginning of COVID-19, we saw a focus on patience, support, and collaboration. Now, we are seeing that patience is waning. Expectations are higher. And negativity is on the rise. How do you ensure that this negativity is not toxic and contagious within your team?Through COVID-19 we are..

Showing 121 to 135 of 379 (26 Pages)