Getting Important Business Results - When You’re Not in Charge
Bill specializes in helping businesses improve their results by developing employees and providing tools, tips and techniques to make better decisions and solve problems more effectively.
His background includes more than twenty years of senior management experience in the public, private and nonprofit sectors.
He has worked with hundreds of individuals as a trainer, facilitator and consultant to more than 250 major organizations such as: AstraZeneca, Bank of America, The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, National Grid, NYC-Citywide Administrative Services, Southern Company, Marine Corps/Intelligence School, McGraw Hill, Johnson & Johnson, NY/NJ Port of Authority, Société Générale Bank, Time Inc. the U.S. Mint, and Verizon to develop and improve their employees’ professional and interpersonal skills to increase their management and team effectiveness
Bill has presented and coordinated workshops at the local, state, national and international levels He also serves on the faculty of the American Management Association conducting seminars in their Leadership, Communications and Management practices.
foundational topic in his practice is Problem Solving where he lays out
a road map from his recently published book “The Essential Problem
Solver – A Six Step Method for Creating Solutions that Last” to help
participants clearly, identify, explore and find the right solution to
their challenges.
Can’t get your voice heard? When you’re working on cross-functional or other teams discover how you can get commitment and achieve your best results. This session will assist you in putting together a constructive and effective team and figuring out the best way to improve communication establish inspiring goals and great working relationships to avoid challenges in getting things done.
Through a series of worksheets and discussions, this webinar will give you a chance to approach the result you want to get with a comprehensive view and understanding of all the important elements and will also serve as a guide on how you can apply the learning.
This session focuses on using the “4R Model” (Results, Relationships, Relevance, and Reality) to take advantage of everyone’s strengths and compensate for the limitations that might be a part of any team’s structure. A plan to create your team’s plan will then be made to have your result become a reality.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the specific Result you want to achieve
- Learn how to develop the Relationships you need to attain those results
- Discover how to establish effective Relativity and an interactive team
- Examine what needs to be done and create a plan to make your result become a Reality
Who Should Attend
- Human Resource Professionals
- Supervisors
- Team Leaders
- Business Owners
- Senior Executives
- Project Managers
- Strategic Planners
- Management Consultants
- Entrepreneurs
- Personal Development Specialist
- All Team Members who don’t have positional power
Why Should You Attend
If you need to influence and persuade others to get the results you currently aren’t getting this workshop is for you.
Who are the right people that need to be on your team?
What is the best way for your team to operate?
What do you need to do to have the best relationships with those involved in getting your result?
How can you estimate your credibility with those important players?
Learn how to create a plan to move forward and analyze success
Topic Background
If you don’t have the power of being someone’s boss, you have to rely on using other techniques to get things done.