Monitoring a Quality Laboratory to Prevent Non-Compliance
  • CODE : FETZ-0054
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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John C. Fetzer has had over 30 years of experience in method development, supervised a large analytical laboratory for over a decade, and has presented numerous courses on compliance. He has authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed papers on analytical chemistry, and has served on the editorial advisory boards of the Journal of Chromatography, Analytical Chemistry, and Analytical and Bio analytical Chemistry.

Everyone in a laboratory under compliance knows about 3-sigma out-of-control issues. Can the operation be monitored to avoid these? How? This webinar will cover the basic statistics of compliance and non-compliance and how to use a statistical approach to monitor the operation to ensure that it is under control and to see when a problem is arising, but before it is outside of 3-sigma.

Learning Objectives

Many problems that arise in an analysis result from causes that start small and grow over time. Others result from an unplanned change in a procedure or the performance of an instrument. These manifest themselves in changed patterns in certain measurable variables. The use of statistical methods to assess and monitor certain variables will be covered, highlighting the predictable patterns.

Who Should Attend

Research associates, lab chemists, lab supervisors, and quality officers.

Topic Background

Data quality and compliance to a required level of performance are measured by statistical tools. Usually in compliance, there is a very heavy weighing towards only 3-sigma deviations. But statistics give much more than that. There are other signs that being “out of control” is a building situation. These other statistical patterns can be used to trigger preventive actions without the dire consequence of non-compliance.

  • $200.00

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