LGBT Inclusion in the Workplace: Navigating Policies, Procedures, and Practices
Dr. Susan Strauss is a national and international speaker, trainer, consultant and a recognized expert on workplace and school harassment and bullying. She conducts harassment and bullying investigations and functions as an expert witness in harassment and bullying lawsuits. Her clients are from business, education, healthcare, law, and government organizations from both the public and the private sector. Susan has a doctorate in Organizational Leadership and has been involved in the harassment and bullying arena since 1985. Susan has conducted research, written over 30 books, book chapters, and journal articles on harassment, bullying, and related topics. She has been featured on 20/20, CBS Evening News and other national and international television and radio programs as well as interviewed for newspaper and journal articles such as Harvard Education Newsletter, Lawyers Weekly and Times of London.
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Workplaces have made progress towards LGBTQ equality yet LGBTQ workers still go to work every day with the fear that they might lose their jobs because of who they love and who they are. There is no federal law protecting the LGB community from workplace discrimination and harassment. There is confusion among organizations as to whether the federal civil rights law Title VII protects gay, lesbian, and bisexual (LGB) employees. The EEOC and several courts clearly have stated that GLB employees are protected by Title VII; however, other courts have disagreed. Recently, the EEOC has filed its first two sexual orientation lawsuits. These two cases demonstrate the EEOC’s commitment to moving forward to protect LGB employees from discrimination under Title VII.
Transgender employees are protected under the Civil Rights Act Title VII because their discrimination is “because of sex” yet discrimination lawsuits continue to arise as to what bathroom and locker room transgender employees can use while at work. Roughly 90% of transgender and 40% of LGB employees experience workplace discrimination according to some surveys. Heterosexism – the cultural expectation that everyone is, should be, or would prefer to be heterosexual - is the established norm of the workplace; a commonplace bias in American institutions. This bias gets played out in both overt and covert behaviors which in turn negatively impact the organizational culture. However, there have been organizational successes in diminishing the biases. There is an opportunity for your organization to create strategies to ensure LGBTQ inclusion in your workforce.
Learning Objectives
- The Implicit Association Test (online)
- Recruitment and Retention
- Heterosexism assumptions
- International LGBT considerations
- Marketing and Advertising
- Restroom access for transgender employees
- Guidelines for the transitioning of a transgender employee
- Responding to negative reactions to LGBT inclusion
- Workplace dress codes, transgender employees, and gender non-conforming employees
Areas Covered
- To examine LGBTQ perceptions and stereotypes
- To discover the business case for LGBTQ inclusion in the workforce
- To describe the impact on LGBTQ employees and the workplace when they fear to be who they are at work
- To discuss transgender
- To establish gender transition guidelines
- To identify organizational practices to minimize discrimination
- To discuss the outcome of LGBTQ supportive policies and practices
- To develop organization and individual strategies for LGBTQ inclusion in the workforce
Why Should Attend
All organizations strive to meet their mission and goals. Most organizations employee LGBTQ workers. When LGBTQ workers are welcomed and included, without fear as to their sexual orientation and gender identity, the organization is more productive, has better morale, is healthier, and LGBTQ employees are not discriminated against. When the welcome and inclusive environment is not a reality, productivity drops, morale decreases, and the organization is at risk for liability. The organization’s climate and culture are compromised leading to increased turnover and difficulty hiring LGBTQ employees.
Who Should Attend
- VP of HR
- All HR directors, managers, and generalists
- Supervisors
- Managers
- Director of Risk Management