Leading When You’re Not In Charge! Leadership Without Authority
Rhonda Scharf CSP, HoF, GSF
Insightful … humorous … entertaining … even contagious … words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf. A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different. Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you thrive in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication, and workplace effectiveness!
Rhonda is an author, speaker, trainer, and grandmother! She has earned her Certified Speaking Professional (less than 7% of all speakers worldwide have earned this designation), is a member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, and is one of only 35 speakers worldwide who have earned their Global Speaking Fellow (meaning she truly has an international business), and been awarded the Spirit of CAPS award. She is the ONLY speaker in the entire world who has earned all four awards. Her peers consider Rhonda a leader in the speaking industry! Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation. Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!
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Whatever it is we call ourselves in the office, we all need to get work done while dealing with other people. But leadership today isn’t like 40 years ago. Getting people to work by saying “because I’m the boss” just doesn’t work anymore. Because being a leader isn’t about having authority or exercising power. Being a leader is a learned skill. It means acting in a way that people are moved to action by your influence without overt displays of authority. As Ken Blanchard said, “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority”. To be a personal leader means to be able to envision, organize, act, coordinate, understand motivations, and be a catalyst for action in the workplace.
This one-hour webinar is a powerful learning tool for people who seek to become true leaders; the catalysts that promote positive change. Join this webinar to understand how to get people working as a team, to set goals, organize, align, and act together, to show positive results without any supervisory role.
Regardless of your title, we all need to "get things done" while working with others. The days of "Because I'm the boss" are long gone (even if you are the boss). This webinar will share insights into how to lead, get things done, engage others, and shape outcomes without formal authority. Leadership is not about having the power to exercise your authority. Leadership is about behaving in ways that influence the feelings, thoughts, and actions of others. "The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." ~ Ken Blanchard
Areas Covered
- The new power that leaders need to have: The ability to impact, influence, and inspire. Here's how
- What it means to "really listen" (hint: it isn't the same as hearing)
- Maximizing your emotional intelligence to ensure success
- Use credibility as a quality that includes expertise, position, sincerity, and trustworthiness
- Learn how to influence peers and superiors
- And more...
Course Level - Intermediate
Who Should Attend
Those that are in a leadership position but don’t have the authority to say “because I said so”. Leadership without authority.
- Team Leaders
- Supervisors
- Administrative Professionals
- HR Professionals
- Faculty
- Student Leaders
- Volunteer Leadership
- Association Leadership
- Chapter Presidents
- Anyone with a desire to grow within the company
Why Should You Attend
Do you need to get things done, but don’t have the authority to say “Because I said so”? Do you have a team at work that needs an unofficial direction? Do you have plans to move into formal leadership at some point in your career? This webinar will show you how to become a leader that others want to follow willingly! Step up your game and become a leader in your workplace.