HR Compliance

HR as Strategic Partner: What the C-Suite Expects
When HR has been excluded from the strategic discussions in the C-Suite, it’s largely because HR leadership fails to recognize and provide the information needed at the highest levels of the organization or presents the information ineffectively.This webinar addresses the implications for both the organization and HR when HR is a strategic leader, the type of HR information the C-Suite leaders need to make ..

Identifying, Managing, and Retaining High Potential Employees
With the economy back in gear, organizations need to work even harder at engaging and retaining their key talent; the most important group being their high potentials because these employees produce a higher level of both quality and quantity of work than others. They are also frequently the source of future leaders for the organization. Join this webinar to discover how to identify them in your organizatio..

Implementing a Project Management Culture
As organizations strengthen and mature, the gap between the business objectives and technical solutions tends to widen, the knowledge and skill sets become more specific (and different).Project Management is a strong bridge between these teams. It may not be an objective to become a "Project Manager" yet every employee in your organization does project management - completing a defined task by a certain tim..

Independent Contractors: Issues, Practices, and Steps to Successfully and Legally Staff Your Company
Companies meet their staffing needs by using a variety of arrangements. Besides the hiring of traditional employees, employers can use contingent employees such as temporary employees, seasonal employees, and leased workers hired through temporary staffing agencies. A growing number of companies are leveraging independent contractors, especially because a larger percentage of the workforce is preferencing "..

Laser-Focused Selling
Laser-focused selling is about becoming smarter in your targeting and in the steps in the sales cycle, so you get better results. Many sales professionals and entrepreneurs look at the landscape of prospects far more broadly than they should, seeing everyone as a prospect. In doing so, they weaken their ability to focus on their very best prospects. There’s nothing like landing clients who are an ideal fit ..

Laying Out a Financial Model
The problem with modeling in Excel is no two spreadsheets look the same. This makes it difficult for end users to understand and modelers to take over others work. This course considers the four key principles required for laying out a good financial model and provides practical tips and tricks to get your spreadsheets on the right track from the very start. The session revolves around building the rudiment..

Leading When You’re Not In Charge! Leadership Without Authority
Whatever it is we call ourselves in the office, we all need to get work done while dealing with other people. But leadership today isn’t like 40 years ago. Getting people to work by saying “because I’m the boss” just doesn’t work anymore. Because being a leader isn’t about having authority or exercising power. Being a leader is a learned skill. It means acting in a way that people are moved to action by you..

Legal Claims Arising From COVID-19: How to Prepare Like a Lawyer
In HR, we always hear "document, document, document." That directive is more necessary now than ever. When the COVID-19 danger passes, we will be left with a barrage of lawsuits for disability discrimination, HIPAA violations, invasion of privacy claims and many, many other allegations. hat employers interpret as "for the good of the order" is going to fly directly in the face of employees who feel they wer..

Legal Documentation Techniques: If it Wasn’t Documented, it Didn’t Happen
Good documentation just doesn’t happen by accident. Left to our own devices, many of us probably think we have better things to do than write down what the weather was that day, fill out the performance log or, dare I say, update the schedule. After all, there’s work to be done. However, it only takes one time in litigation to change that mindset. In addition, the reality of a dispute resolution forum is th..

Legally Terminating Employees: 10 Complex Issues You Must Know
Employers must terminate employees from time to time in order to run their businesses effectively. In today’s litigious world, terminating employees is an emotional and legal minefield for managers and supervisors. Even subtle differences in preparing for and conducting terminations can impact greatly the level of legal risk, and whether an employer faces a claim that may cost six figures (or more) in poten..

LGBT Inclusion in the Workplace: Navigating Policies, Procedures, and Practices
Workplaces have made progress towards LGBTQ equality yet LGBTQ workers still go to work every day with the fear that they might lose their jobs because of who they love and who they are. There is no federal law protecting the LGB community from workplace discrimination and harassment. There is confusion among organizations as to whether the federal civil rights law Title VII protects gay, lesbian, and bisex..

LGBTQ Inclusion in Health IT and Patient Intake
Many in the healthcare field want to better serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) patients, but do not know where to begin or hit roadblocks early on in the process. It is important to have a basic understanding of who your LGBTQ patients are, what kind of health challenges they might face, and what the most relevant information you need from them includes. This involves everything fr..

Make Outlook a Partner in Productivity
Are you one of those people who regularly sign up for time management seminars but you still can’t get a handle on all your projects and tasks? Then sign up for this webinar and get real help, not theory.Effective time management demands that you understand time management principles AND have a tool to implement those principles, this webinar combines both. You are given fundamental time management principl..

Management, Legal and Contractual Perspectives of Managing Remote/Virtual and Telecommuter Workers
More and more organizations are “going virtual,” whether it is an employee who telecommutes, a team of workers in another country, or simply an employee who extends her or his workday by checking e-mail or downloading a document from Dropbox that connects to their phone, iPad, or home computer. Approximately 80% of U. S. workers continue to do business remotely after normal work hours. More and more organiz..

Managers Should Consider “Vicarious Liability”, When Conducting Disciplinary Actions!
How many times have managers/supervisors made decisions you as a business owner or company leadership wished they didn’t? The law is clear on what behaviors from managers are a risk of “Vicarious Liability”. This term has many implications for employers, employees, and managers. In fact, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has included managers who employees allege harassed them on any of the..