How to Develop a Solid Customs Compliance Program
  • CODE : JOAN-0006
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Jo-Anne Daniels is the principal and owner of Trade Resources & Associates, a company focused on global trade and logistics. Ms. Daniels is a frequent trade speaker, corporate trainers, and authority in trade compliance and logistics. Her career spans 25 years in international trade, logistics, and transportation. She has held senior management roles at multinational corporations where she built solid customs compliance programs.

The takeaway for each participant is to understand the ABC’s of customs compliance and learn how to develop a program that is tailored to its company’s size, supply chain, product, and risks. The program will outline the key elements of a solid customs compliance program and provide guidance on how to develop or take corrective actions to ensure compliance and protect the company. This webinar will give the participants the tools to help articulate the reasons why each company must be aware of import requirements and justify why a company must take the steps and use resources to review and if necessary take corrective actions to prevent customs non-compliance.

Areas Covered

  • Review  the basics of Reasonable Care and Informed Compliance
  • Understand some of the fundamentals of a solid program, such as classification, country of origin, and valuation
  • Learn about the priority trade issues  and enforcement areas
  • Understand the risk of Antidumping and countervailing and China Section 301 actions, and trade agreements
  • Know what action to take if your company receives a CBP form 28 or 29
  • Learn the consequences of violating Customs laws

Course Level - Intermediate

Who Should Attend

  • Import
  • Trade Compliance
  • Logistics
  • Operations
  • Supply Chain
  • Finance

Why Should You Attend

Now as never before, it is important that importers understand and comply with U.S. Customs laws. Companies that do not have strong compliance programs run the risk that Customs will determine the company is not compliant which can result in audits or penalties. This webinar will provide the basic that every company should know and develop for each company, whether it is a small or medium size importer.

  • $200.00

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