Personality and Chameleon Leadership
  • CODE : KABR-0079
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Karla Brandau is a thought leader in management and team building techniques. She trains individuals to improve their communications and thus their relationships with anyone they interface with.  

She specializes in personalities, communication skills, leadership principles.  

She is the CEO of Workplace Power Institute and has educated managers with her proven leadership principles in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America.

She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by National Speakers Association.  

Karla’s book, How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort, teaches managers how to be the leader people CHOOSE to follow, not have to follow because of their position on the organizational chart.

As the core principles that make you a chameleon leader are introduced, the program summarizes the personalities of popular leadership styles including autocratic, bureaucratic, coaching, and democratic with suggested personality traits used by each style. The program also explores personality mixes and how the mix affects leadership interactions with employees.

For instance, if after assessment, the interaction with the employee is a fit for your dominant style, use your dominant style. If the situation calls for modifying your dominant style of communication, the webinar gives you tips to do so.

If you are unclear on your style, the program describes the four personality styles that make up the DISC model: Dominant, Interactive, Steady and Conscientious. After you establish your dominant model from the descriptions, then you choose your secondary style or the personality mix that was stamped on you at conception.

The next step is to learn how to customize your discussions with opposite personalities.

You will also learn three other ways to figuratively “read” the other person.

This information is critical to increase your ability to lead.

Areas Covered

In this program, we review leadership styles, including a summary of Blanchard’s Situational Leadership II Model. As we study the personality part of chameleon leadership, you will learn how to:  

  • Understand the 4 quadrants of DISC personalities
  • Identify your dominant personality style
  • Observe the personality of the other person in the conversation
  • Recognize 3 other ways to understand the other person
  • Interact with opposite personalities
  • Resolve conflict with opposite thinkers and opposite personalities
  • Define the 5 components of conflict
  • Add charismatic leadership principles to your personality style
  • Understand ethnocentric behaviors
  • Augment your understanding of 21st century leadership principles

Studies show that employees don’t leave a company because they don’t like the company, they leave because they can’t get along with their immediate supervisor or manager, requiring more hiring and training.

Break this cycle and become the leader who understands personality and how to be a “chameleon” when the situation is needed.  
Register today.

Who Should Attend    

For all leaders, managers, and supervisors seeking to become charismatic leaders whom people trust and want to follow.

Why Should You Attend

Are you stuck in a pattern where you treat every conversation with employees as a one-size-fits all approach? Do you forget to customize your interactions to the person with whom you are speaking?

The chameleon leadership concept helps you break free from instinctual ways of responding and teaches you how to embrace alternative approaches to conversations.

It emphasizes that effective interpersonal relationships arise from a leader’s ability to blend to the personality of the employee. This means that after observing the behavior style of the employee and assessing the circumstances surrounding the conversation, you will be equipped to adapt your style to meet the situational needs of persuading and influencing the other person.

Understanding your personality “mix” as a leader plays a crucial role in this adaptability. It is a key component in increasing your charisma, confidence and competence.

Topic Background    

Chameleon leadership concepts are that, as a leader, you can adapt your leadership style to fit the person and the situation by leveraging your personality strengths and understanding the personality style of the individual you are engaging with.

Most successful leaders are a combination of personality traits that make it possible for them to make a choice of what action is needed for the situation.

This is similar yet different to what is taught in Ken Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model. In Blanchard’s model, the focus is on diagnosing the development level of the employee and applying appropriate leadership techniques to fit the employee.

This webinar focuses on how a knowledge of personality traits give leaders the ability to use chameleon-like behavior as needed after identifying the behavior style of the employee and assessing the situation.

This approach enhances effective interpersonal relationships, builds engagement and opens the door to decreasing conflict.  

Personality and Chameleon Leadership teaches you how to integrate different styles to yield the most effective outcomes in collaborative discussions.

  • $160.00

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