Accounting and Taxation

Taxation of Gig Economy Income
In the United States, there are approximately 90 companies who are listed as gig businesses and many individuals who operate small businesses that are classified as gig companies. For individuals and small business owners who receive their income by means of third-party vendors, they will begin receiving 1099-K forms from these vendors when the overall annual payment is $600 or more (was $20,000 or more). T..

Technical Managers: Hired for hard skills & fired for soft skills
The basics of great management are the same whether in the technical or non-technical sphere because you are dealing with human beings. The key is to develop a plan to implement all assignments by delegating the detailed tasks to technical professionals to execute using proven methodologies and keeping individuals motivated. Coaching each person to get the results you are responsible for and helping each pe..

The 1099 and W-9 Update – Complying with IRS Information Reporting
For years the IRS has struggled with independent contractors and tax collection. In assessing opportunities to close the tax gap (taxes due but not reported or paid), one of the greatest opportunities comes from expanding the information reporting on taxpayers by payors – 1099. This time consuming reporting obligation can be streamlined in a number of ways.Areas CoveredIn just ninety minutes you will gain t..

The 940 – Properly Calculating and Paying Your FUTA Tax
The 940 calculates your total FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax) owed for a calendar year. FUTA is a tax paid to the federal government and used to support state unemployment insurance programs. It is due on Jan 31st of each calendar year. FUTA is not to be confused with SUTA (State Unemployment Tax), paid throughout the year to any state you have employees in. However, SUTA payments paid on time minimize your..

The Form 1042-S and W-8 Update –Complying with IRS Information Reporting for Nonresident Aliens
Do you have a plan to deal with IRS demands for backup withholding if you failed to deduct from payments to Nonresident Aliens' (NRAs)? The IRS is working hard to reduce the delinquent tax burden. They know companies are becoming relatively compliant with 1099 reporting, but they also understand that companies and their advisors are less sure when it comes to identifying and performing backup withholding on..

The Monte Carlo Simulations in Excel for Risky Investments
This workshop is about understanding what is behind the Monte Carlo Simulation. First, you will find out who is using simulations and for what purposes (risk analysis, operations, investments.) The next part is about having fun applying simulations - rolling dice on a spreadsheet. Once you understand how it is done we can go into a couple of projects. One project is when we simulate a four years budget for ..

TIN Matching To Reduce Your B-Notices And Eliminate Proposed Penalties
Learn the best practices for eliminating 1099 error notices from the IRS. Discover the power of the TIN Matching system. Discover the smoothest way to register to use the two step verification process introduced 12/10/17. Learn how to handle the CP-2100 notices from Uncle Sam and avoid the fines and penalties for failure to timely comply with the B-Notice requirements. Understand the difference between and ..

Writing Effective Audit Observations
This webinar will provide the basic principles for writing effective audit observations. The audit observations represent the end result of weeks of reviews, analyses, interviews, and discussions. It is used to provide important information to management on the area you reviewed. And, more importantly, it provides details to management on significant issues that need to be addressed. How well you communicat..

1099-MISC Compliance Update
This webinar will cover the basics of Form 1099-MISC and will help a business stay in compliance with the law. We will discuss what payments are reportable, who needs to be sent a 1099-MISC, and how to send a 1099-MISC. We will discuss penalties and how to get out of penalties, and how to tell the difference between a contractor (who gets a Form 1099-MISC) and an employee (who gets a Form W-2). We will also..

2016 Year End Best Practices
The IRS provides updated tax rates and changes how taxable income is calculated each year. This webinar will assist the seasoned payroll professional on new legislation that needs to be considered. This webinar will also assist the W-2 newcomer to understand all the boxes on the form W-2 and what should be reported. A brief overview of year-end and W-2 best practices will also be discussed.Each year compani..

Accounting for Income Taxes in Financial Statements
In light of recent legislation changing the Internal Revenue Code, many accountants are realizing they are not quite "up to speed" on the accounting for income taxes, particularly the handling of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities. This webinar addresses most issues specifically covered in FASB Statement No. 109 (ASC 740.10) dealing with current and deferred income taxes. It puts the foc..

Activity-Based Cost Management
Critics have claimed that traditional managerial accounting is at best useless and at worst dysfunctional and misleading. Today’s general ledger and budgeted spending systems support departmental and “stovepipe” managerial philosophies. In contrast, activity-based cost management (ABC/M) information supports process-based thinking. ABC is a key component of the increasingly popular enterprise and corporate ..

Audit 2020: Keys to Becoming a Trusted Advisor
This webinar explores what it means to be trusted, how to give advice, and what it takes to be an advisor. We start by looking at behaviors and organizational challenges that auditors exhibit or face. From expected roles and responsibilities to tradition to regulator dependence, auditors must deal with several influences that seem to deter progress in this area.We then provide a profile of what a trusted ad..

Auditor Responsibility Re: Fraud
This webinar focuses on fraud in the corporate environment. It reiterates some of the authoritative CPA literature related to fraud. It is, however, equally important to non-CPAs (e.g. internal auditors, corporate departmental managers, senior management, board members). It provides a basic understanding of fraud-related definitions and requirements. In particular, it separates the fraud discussion between:..

Best Practices For Multi-State Payroll
Many companies who do business in more than one State do not understand how to determine which State they must pay taxes to. They also do not understand that each State has different laws regarding residents and non-residents. This topic will give you guidelines on what factors determine which tax the employer must withhold. It will explain the differences between residents and non-residents and how to prop..