Excel Power Query Data Cleaning Basics
  • CODE : GEOM-0003
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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George Mount is the founder and CEO of Stringfest Analytics, a consulting firm specializing in analytics education and upskilling. He has worked with leading bootcamps, learning platforms and practice organizations to help individuals excel at analytics.

George regularly blogs and speaks on data analysis, data education and workforce development and is the author of Advancing into Analytics: From Excel to Python and R (O'Reilly Media, 2021). He is a recipient of the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for exceptional technical expertise and community advocacy in the field of Excel.

George holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Hillsdale College and master's degrees in finance and information systems from Case Western Reserve University. He resides in Cleveland, Ohio.

In today’s data-driven landscape, mastering the art of data cleaning and preparation is critical. The "Excel Power Query Data Cleaning Basics" webinar is a pivotal resource for anyone looking to harness Excel's Power Query for advanced data management. This session goes beyond introducing Power Query’s features, aiming to arm participants with practical skills to revolutionize data analysis and enhance their data handling capabilities.

Excel Power Query acts as a catalyst for efficient data management, automating the cleaning process, and significantly cutting down the time and effort needed for analysis. Despite its robust capabilities in connecting with various data sources and performing complex transformations, many users have yet to fully explore Power Query's potential. This knowledge gap can result in inefficient data practices, compromising the quality of analysis and subsequent decisions.

Clean data is the bedrock of dependable analysis. Relying on unclean data can lead to erroneous decisions with far-reaching consequences, from operational mishaps to strategic missteps, potentially incurring significant financial losses and reputational damage. The webinar focuses on mitigating these risks by equipping attendees with the techniques to ensure data cleanliness and reliability.

Participants will learn to navigate Power Query’s functionalities, including data importation from diverse sources, data transformation for better organization, advanced data cleaning techniques to filter out inaccuracies, and automation of repetitive tasks to minimize errors. This isn’t just about learning Power Query’s technicalities; it’s about applying these skills to tackle real-world data challenges through practical exercises.

The webinar caters to a wide audience, from business and data analysts seeking to refine their analysis skills to marketing professionals and financial analysts reliant on accurate data for strategic decisions. Regular Excel users looking to boost their efficiency will also find value in this comprehensive guide to data management.

In the fast-paced business world, the ability to swiftly and accurately analyze data is a key competitive edge. This webinar not only promises to improve the quality of participants' data but also to enhance their proficiency with Excel, unlocking insights that can inform strategic decisions and propel them ahead of the curve.

In summary, the "Excel Power Query Data Cleaning Basics" webinar is an invaluable opportunity to transform your approach to data handling. It offers the tools and insights to confront data management challenges head-on, ensuring your analyses are grounded in the cleanest, most reliable data. This session is more than a training; it’s a step towards elevating your data analysis skills and positioning yourself at the forefront of your field. Don’t miss this chance to redefine your professional capabilities.

Areas Covered

  • Loading data into Power Query for the first time
  • Profiling and searching for dirty data in Power Query
  • Touring the Power Query editor
  • Building a complete extract, transform, and load pipeline with Power Query
  • Refreshing, updating and editing queries and results of queries

Who Should Attend

  • Business Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Operations Manager
  • Data Scientist
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Database Administrator
  • Project Manager
  • HR Analyst
  • Supply Chain Analyst
  • Sales Analyst
  • IT Professional
  • Management Consultant
  • Accountant
  • Product Manager
  • Customer Insights Analyst
  • Risk Manager
  • Compliance Officer
  • Educational Researcher

Why Should You Attend

In today's data-centric world, mastering Excel Power Query for data cleaning isn't just beneficial it's essential. The "Excel Power Query Data Cleaning Basics" webinar is an opportunity you can't afford to miss, especially when poor data quality can lead to critical decision-making errors, inefficiencies, and significant financial losses. The fear of basing decisions on flawed data is real, and the uncertainty surrounding data integrity can undermine your confidence and jeopardize your projects or organizational reputation.

Dirty or unprocessed data can sow doubt about the reliability of your analyses, leading to misguided strategies and costly mistakes. In a competitive landscape with little room for error, such doubts are a luxury you cannot afford. Missing out on this webinar means foregoing the chance to equip yourself with the skills necessary to eliminate these risks, ensuring your data is clean, dependable, and analysis-ready.

The constantly evolving challenges of data management demand a solid understanding of tools like Power Query. Without this knowledge, you're left vulnerable to the inefficiencies and pitfalls of manual data cleaning. This webinar promises to empower you with the ability to turn raw data into a pristine, organized state, bolstering your analysis and decision-making processes.

Don't let fear, uncertainty, and doubt about your data management skills hold you back. Attending "Excel Power Query Data Cleaning Basics" is an investment in your professional development and the success of your projects. Join us to solidify your data's foundation and ensure it's as robust and reliable as possible.

Topic Background

"Excel Power Query Data Cleaning Basics" is a webinar focused on teaching users how to efficiently clean and prepare data in Excel using Power Query. The session covers essential techniques like removing duplicates, transforming data types, and handling missing values. It's designed for anyone looking to improve their data analysis skills by learning how to automate the data cleaning process with Power Query.

  • $200.00

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